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Results 30331-30340 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, July 4, 1778: The Union left Edenton on June 6 and arrived here on the 2nd but unfortunately, after so short a passage, brought no news. Accounts come in of losses on the Carolina coast caused by pilots’ misconduct; the inhabitants mislead our ships or refuse help, and the state government should take notice. Mr. Sartine has invited local...
ALS : University of Virginia Library; AL (draft): National Archives; copy: United States Naval Academy Museum When Congress thought proper to order me to France it was proposed that the Ranger should remain under my direction and be Commanded by a Lieutenant, and as the French Ministry have now in contemplation Plans which promise Honor to the American Flag, the Ranger might be very Useful to...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Quoi que je vous sois, Monsieur, tres inconue permettez-moy d’envoyer savoir l’heure ou je pourai avoir l’honneur de vous voir demain, ou tout autre jour de votre comodité. J’ésperere que vous voudrai bien m’accorder cette grace. Je suis une proche parante de messieurs carrolls qui habitent anapolie dans le meriland. Je vous assure, monsieur, que je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Hoping that my Name is not entirely unknown to you, I take the Liberty of introducing Alexander Gillon Esquire to your Notice; a Gentleman, who, to oblige the State of So. Carolina has accepted the Commission of Commodore. I promise myself no other recommendation of him is required, than the bare mention of his having chearfully given up his own...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, July 4, 1778, in French: I have sent no news since my return, but what I have now will win your and your grandfather’s attention. For the past year and more we have been sending ships to North America. Many of them have been captured through the fault of your pilots, and we have now learned of a shocking example. A vessel of ours anchored in...
30336General Orders, 4 July 1778 (Washington Papers)
At three ôClock this afternoon a Cannon will fire at the Park as a signal for the troops to be put under Arms and formed ready to march—At four another signal Cannon for the Right to march by the Right over the Bridge to the Ground which shall be shewn them to form on—At half past four a third signal Cannon for the Left Wing to march by the Right and follow the Right Wing—At five a fourth...
General Arnold being very unwell has ordered me to Answer your Excellency’s Letter of 30th June. he will give every Assistance in his Power to General Portail. Col. Hartly’s Regiment came here three days since and is detained agreable to your Excellency’s Order. Congress having given no directions for any other disposition. The General’s wound continues in a fair Way, but he has been afflicted...
I take the earliest opportunity of congratulating you on the success of our Arms over the British on the 28th June near Monmouth Court House. I have, in a letter to Congress, given a very particular account of the Maneuvres of both Armies preceding the action, and of the Action itself; and as this will be published I must take the liberty of referring you to it for the matter at large —The...
Inclos’d you have an Extract, from Genl Gates’s Orders bearing Date 4 June; From which it appears, that, I am superceded (by an inferior Officer) in the Command of the Artillery, in the Middle Department. From your Excellency’s known Character, for Justice, and generosity; and a full conviction, that, you will never give your sanction, to so flagrant an Act of injustice, I am induced (tho’...
I had the honour to inform you on the ground of action of the advantage over the Enemy on the 28th Ult. I could not then be particular in their killed, as the burying parties were not come in. They have returned 245 killed. Besides the Enemy left behind them at Monmouth Court House, 4 wounded Officers and 40 privates exclusive of those we took on the field of battle. The prisoners taken since...