Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Landais, 28 March 1779

From Landais

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Brest March 28th. 1779

Please Your Excellency

I landed the day Before yesterday the Eight and thirty mutiners, I am getting Ready for to Sail for Nantes as fast as Possible and Expect to be ready in Eight days thence. I have had here all the Iron work repair’d and nothing but the most necessary things have been done or had. I shall wait for your orders at Nantes in a forteen night if the wind Permits.

I am with the Greateast Respect Your Excellencys Most Obeidaint humble Servant

P: Landais.

P.S. The Honnble John Adam is here I hope he will Go to Nantes in the Ship.9

To his Excellency Dr franklin

Notation: P. Landais 28. Mar. 79.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9JA had told BF on March 24 that he planned to return to Nantes by land to await the ship. On the same day he had told WTF that Landais expected to sail in eight days and that the Alliance’s stay in Nantes would be three or four weeks: Adams Papers, VIII, 16. JA was already back in Nantes on April 11, the day the Alliance finally sailed from Brest: Butterfield, John Adams Diary, II, 358n.

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