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Results 30311-30360 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
MS notes for a letter: New York Public Library (Berg) Perhaps as the [business?] of the 2d. Class is large some account of parts of Speech and Construction might be prescribed to the first Class. As the business of the third Class seems less than the others it may be well for them to learn a Rhetoric that year and be obliged to give some Account of the Tropes and Figures. The best I know is...
Copy: Library of Congress I have the Honor of informing you of our arrival at this Place this Day in the frigate l’Aurore from Martinico to which Iland the officers of the Confederacy thought proper to proceed in Consequence of the loss of all our Masts & the Damage our rudder received on the Edge of the Bank of New-foundland. We Left Martinico the 28th. of December & have a most agreable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I inclose this unfinished that I may have your Opinion whether it is, or is not, the thing . I can add or alter what you shall point out. Please to let me have it early in the Morning. I will call in the Afternoon and bring it with me finished, with what I can recollect of Politics, and of that Days Debate. Pray send also the other Paper for the Chronicle...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Arms which were damaged on board the Ariel and left here by Captain Jones on his last departure, to be repaired, are now nearly finished & ready for shiping. The Marquis of fayette’s arrival here, being hourly expected, we request you will inform us, if it is your intentions, that those arms shou’d be loaded, with the other goods, on said Vessel: a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie instamment de vouloir bien m’adresser demain ou après demain une reponse pour Monsieur le Comte de Tressan. Il y a près d’un mois qu’il vous a ecrit, et vous êtes convenu avec moi le dimanche 6 de ce mois de m’ecrire deux lettres une plus courte pour lui en reponse a la sienne que je lui ferai parvenir a sa terre, et l’autre plus detaillée pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I landed the day Before yesterday the Eight and thirty mutiners, I am getting Ready for to Sail for Nantes as fast as Possible and Expect to be ready in Eight days thence. I have had here all the Iron work repair’d and nothing but the most necessary things have been done or had. I shall wait for your orders at Nantes in a forteen night if the wind Permits....
Draft: American Philosophical Society I don’t know whether to say I fear or I hope this won’t reach you before you leave Holland, for I don’t care how soon we have you in our Island again, and I wish you had no Attachment ever to draw you from it again, that is I wish your Attachments were all here. My Mother wanted me to write another Letter to you while I was with her, but my Time was so...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Deux Particuliers desireroient acquerir une ou plusieurs parties de Terreins dans la Province de Pensilvanie pour chacun une Somme de Douze Mille Livre Tournois, ensemble Vingt quatre Mille Livres a Employer dont Douze Mille Livres pour et au nom de Gabriel Bouffé de Paris Douze Mille Livres pour et au nom de Pierre Gabriel Bouffé de Paris. Les dits Sieurs...
LS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre ci joint une 4e. de change en votre propre Traite du 23 Juillet 1781 à 10 jours de vue sur M Richard Backe [Bache] de Philadelphie laquelle, ainsi qu’il est dit au dos d’icelle, doit etre payée en france; nous vous prions, Monsieur, de vouloir bien l’accepter & de nous la faire repasser ensuite; Cette Te [Traite] est de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Many proofs—that I have experienced of your good nature—& politeness—leads me to hope that I shall meet your kind pardon for the liberty I take in troubleing you with the enclosed letter which contains one for my husband; you’ll, add to my great debt of gratitude—by delivering it to Mr. Shaffer—before that gentleman leaves Paris. He will repay you the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A friend of mine, an eminent marchant at Coruña in Spain and wellwisher to the cause of american Liberty has transmitted to me the Letter herein inclosed with prayer to have it delivered immediately in to the hands of Mr. Dean. But as I am totally unacquainted with the place where that gentleman is to be met with and afraid to have it trusted to any body...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Knowing the intimacy, & friendship subsisting between your Excellency, & my Brother, I presume to solicit your interest in my unhappy situation, nothing but the disstresses of my family, & the cruel advantages, the owners of the Ship I command’d, are taken, can excuse this liberty, & the certainty of being inevitably ruin’d, If I remain here much longer. If...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon papa voila mon abbé qui part pour Londres ou il doit demeurer quelques Semaines avant de Retourner en irlande. Voulez vous le charger de quelques commissions? Il S’en acquitera bien et avec grand plaisir: il ira vous voir de ma part. Avant Son départ Si vous pouvez Luy donner quelques lettres de recommendation, cela me fera plaisir, il meritte tout le...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honor to pay my respects to you the 17 & 23 Ulto. I have the pleasure to advise you of the arrival of One of the Ships I expected from Virginia she arrived at Rochforte, the 2d April having had a passage of only Twenty Nine days. The Captain writes me that he shall retain my Letters to deliver them to me himself. I expect the Ship here every Tide...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania This very morning I had the Pleasure to receive Your Letter of the 27th. past inclosing one for the President of Congress, which was so exactly in Time that I forwarded it along with Lord Norths Dispatches this Evening to Falmouth with Orders for the three several Packet Boats for New York Jamaica and the Lewards Islands to sail immediately. These Boats...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the Request of my Friend Colonel John Mitchell, I take the liberty of introducing to your Civilities, the Bearer Mr: John Rainey, who goes to France upon a Commercial Plan, should he require your Advice, or Assistance in procuring passports to Holland or elsewhere, I beg leave to recommend him to you for them— The Family continue well and join me in Love...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot refrain from taking up my pen to thank you warmly for your kind compliance with my requests and still kinder manner of conferring the favors. Mr. King also desires I would return his thanks. That this year may bring peace and freedom to the Americans built upon lasting and solid foundations and that you may long live to enjoy the fruits of your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society If I was to permit my friend and nabour Mr. Green to visit Paris without convaying this to your excellency, I should think myself defecient in that friendship I have ever wished to shew him. He is an Artist of distinguished merrit in Mezzatinto engraving, and has done most of the esteemed prints in that manner from my paintings. He visits France in the line...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer of this will be my noble friend Mr. Celesia, whom you will probably remember, as he was Minister of this Republick in London from the year 55 to 60, & in consequence of his superiour talents must have been well acquainted with several of your worthy friends there. He is esteemed here for what he really is, an ornament to his Country, & his...
AL (draft): Columbia University Library I have been favored with your Letter of Yesterday, & will answer it explicitly— I have no Reason whatever to believe that you was averse to our obtaining the full Extent of Boundary & Fishery secured to us by the Treaty.— Your Conduct respecting them throughout the Negociation indicated a strong & steady attachment to both those objects, & in my opinion...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’eus hier le plaisir d’avoir la nouvelle, dont ci-joint copie. Notre Ami est parti ce matin, pour Amsterdam, les Etats de la province s’étant séparés. Il m’a remis les nouvelles protestations des villes. Vous les aurez, dès que je les aurai traduites. Depuis plus de 15 jours que je suis de retour ici, je n’étois presque pas sorti, à cause d’un rhumatisme....
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Yale University Library I had the honor to receive your Excellency’s letter of the 26th: of last month, yesterday, and have in consequence drawn upon Mr. Grand this day for the amount you mention. I beg leave to congratulate your Excellency upon the capture of Lord Cornwallis, & the very flattering situation of our Affairs in America. Majr....
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): National Archives When I had the honor of writing to your Excellency the 23. Ult. I hoped about the end of this Month to have set foot on the Continent beyond the Atlantic. The prospect changed however, immediately after I had sent away my dispatches, and Prudence bid me again drop Anchor at Groix.— The within Declaration of my Officers...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous supplie, Monsieur, de vouloir accorder une audience favorable a Mr. Le Baron de fray de qui j’eus l’honneur de vous parler dernierement et qui ne forme que des demandes tres impetrables en faisant des offres tres avantageuses de services importans par l’experience et les talens dont il a fait preuve en divers pays. J’ai l’honneur d’etre avec autant...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. & Mrs. De Valnais present their Respects to Dr. Franklin and will do themselves the honour to wait on his Excellency agreable to the invitation they have Received today Addressed: His Excellency Dr. Franklin. / Minister plenipotentiary from the / united States of N. America to the / Court of France / Passy— For this couple, who had been recommended to BF...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This letter reports what proved to be a fatal setback to American hopes that Britain would adopt liberal trade policies toward the United States or would include such provisions in a revised final peace treaty. In the early morning hours of February 22, after an all-night debate, the House of Commons voted to approve the provisional peace treaties but...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 277–280. I received yours of the 15th instant, this day. I must take the earliest opportunity of setting you right in one mistake, which runs through your whole letter, and which to you, under that mistake, must be a very delicate point. You seem to...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Aguiton presents his respects to Mr. Franklin and Sends him Inclos’d a Letter from his friend Hutton, which he would have deliver’d in person but that he understands Mr. Franklin is frequently engaged on business, and as he Should be happy to wait upon him before he Leaves this Country he would take it as a particular favour if Mr. Franklin would permit...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honor of writing the 23d. of Jany. last to the American Commissioners at the Court of Versailles requesting that they wou’d, in consequence of the recommendation of Count De Vergennes, apply to the Prince De MontBarey for certain Artillery, Arms & Ammunition for the State of Virginia which I had authority to engage that State to pay for, as soon...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Watson presents his respectfull compliments to His Excellency Doctr. Franklin & makes free to Send him a few papers. Watson’s business in Nantes was ruined by the French government suspending payment on American bills of exchange (for which see JW ’s letter of March 5 and Joly de Fleury’s letter of March 15). He left the city on March 30 and relocated to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In Consequence of Your Permission, I take the Liberty to Acquaint You that my Large Electricall Machine is quite Compleated. It was to have been deliverd on Monday next, but I shall keep it till Wednesday or Thursday, in hopes that you will do me the Honnour to Comme and see it, and favor me with Your Opinion on its Construction. I have the Honnour of being...
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Crains que Mon Cher Et Venerable Docteur n’ait pas Reçu une Lettre que j’ay Eû L’honneur De Luy Adresser il y a quelque tems au Sujet D’un Matelot Americain pour Lequel je Luy Demandais Sa protection avec Des papiers Relatifs a Cette Affaire; je Luy Rapelle aussi la promesse qu’il M’avait faitte De me Venir Voir Encore une fois Cet Automne, je Le Suplie...
I have been honourd with your favour of the 16th, and the several Inclosures contained therein, which are now return’d with my thanks for the oppertunity of perusing them —I also Inclose you a Letter from Lord Howe, sent out (with others) by a Flag in the Afternoon of yesterday. with it comes a Letter for Lieutt Barrington, who if not among those who broke their Parole, & went of for Canada,...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 16. de ce mois relativement au S. Macreery Négociant Americain qui se propose d’importer d’Amerique dans les Colonies Françoises des objets de Commerce utiles à ces Dernieres, et rapporter en france les Denrées coloniales qu’il aura reçues en retour. Les ports de France et ceux des Colonies...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclosed will inform you how matters are here. I feel myself uneasy least my Conduct should not be approved yet I think it is precisely according to orders. You will perhaps have representations from these officers to my prejudice as the part I act cannot but be offensive to them all, but however I may succeed I depend that you will believe my motive...
AL : American Philosophical Society Il y auroit bien quelques petites choses a redire a votre logique que vous assurés si bonne mon chér papa— Quand j’étois jeune homme distes vous, et que je jouissois plus des faveurs du séxe qu’a présent, je n’avois point de goutte: Donc , on pourroit répondre a cela—quand je me suis jetté par la fenéstre je ne me suis pas cassé la jambe: Donc; vous pouriés...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Hobarts Compliments wait upon Mr Franklin, not knowing where to find Mr Adams He takes the Liberty in Governor Pownalls Name to forward to him the Memorial address’d to the Sovereigns of America. Governor Pownall is also very desirous of knowing whether his Letter & Power of Attorney was ever forwarded to Mr Bowdein and Doctor Cooper, for if they should...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I with much Pleasure received your very Friendly letter of the 4th. of last June, by which I am informed of The Perticular care you took to employ your Nephew to transact my business, since which I have also received his letter enclosing the invoice of the articles I wrote you for, which have also come safe to hand. Am much Obliged to you for the Tenderness...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library <General Post Office, May 20, 1771, a note in the third person. Sends a piece of elastic gum with a thousand good wishes.> Identified by the handwriting and place of origin. For Jackson see above, XIV , 301 n. In November BF sent Jonathan Williams, Sr., six “vessels” of elastic gum, costing £1 16 s. Jour., p. 37.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Daignés recevoir mes felicitations sinceres sur l’heureux Evenement qui vient de couronner vos vertus patriotiques et remplir les veux de tous les francois. J’ose suplier votre Excellence de m’accorder une nouvelle Lettre pour les Etats de georgie ou je vais passer avec Mr. Laplaine Capitaine au premier Bataillon. C’est moy que Mr. turgot a eu l’honneur de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Packet being detain’d two or three Days on the following Occasion, tho’ I had wrote four Days ago, all that was then necessary, I could not dispence with writing again; And notwithstanding you will doubtless hear it, if I had not wrote: It pleased God to take our Governor Sir Henry Moore, Bart. out of this World, Yesterday half after 3 o’Clock in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Little did I expect to address you again from any part of this Kingdom, But you will hear from your other Correspondents, The Cause of Commodore Jones returning to L’orient. I will not attempt to describe the Horrors of the dreadful, or as the Seamen express it,— unequalled Tempest, We have been in, nor the miraculous Delivery from Death, We have had.— We...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society The Moments we live in, are critical and may be improved, perhaps to advantage, for which purpose I beg Leave to propose to your Consideration, whether it is not proper for Us to write to Mr Dana at Petersbourg, acquaint him with the Signature of the Preliminaries, inclose to him an authentic Copy of them and advise him to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous prévenir que je délivre actuellement les Recherches sur les Volcans éteins du Vivarais et du Vellay, par M. Faujas de S. Fond un volume grand in-folio, avec 21 planches, pour lequel vous avez souscrit. Je vous prie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien faire retirer votre exemplaire, en m’en faisant remettre le second paiement qui est de 36 l.t....
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will have recieved my last, by which I asked you leave to dedicate my work, now, as I hope, under the press, to you— I am rejoiced to be informed by the chancerie of the Court, that, according to an advise of Count de Mercy to Prince Kaunitz, you are certainly to come here. Since that time I am courted by many more Gentlemen and Ladies to present them...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been endeavouring, almost ever since my Arrival here, to find the means of Returning to Passy, at the Expiration of the Time you were pleas’d to permit me to be absent: but hitherto my Endeavours have not been successful. I have sent to Blois, & have been myself to Amboise, & even to Tours (which is 36 Miles distant) & have not been able to procure a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Orbec, February 5, 1778, in French: I take the liberty of requesting you to forward this letter to M. de la Radière, my son. He and three fellow officers of engineers joined your army. We have written him often to give him news of the family, but his most recent letter last September says that he has had no word, and asks that you take care of his mail. I...
ALS : S. Madeline Hodge (Princeton, N.J., 1955) A Thousand Thanks for your very Obliging Letter of 22d. Novr. which I never Received till this Day which has punish’d me Sufficiently for my Neglect in not giving my Address. I hope our success in America will continue and be productive of Liberty & Peace which I most Ardently wish for. The Letter that you was so obliging to Inclose was from Mr....
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin . . . (4to ed.; 3 vols., London, 1817–18), II , 249. I will take care of all your commissions. This moment a second packet of infinite value is received, which I shall cherish as a mark of affection from you. I opened the letter by mistake which came with it, and soon saw it was not for me. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honnor to address your Excellency on the 6th. inst, whereunto I beg leave to refer. This cheafly Serves to enclose a Copy of a letter I Just now received from my friend M. Bodin at Lille, to whom I wrote to enquire about the price of Bells. If that which was offer’d me here at 30 s. per pound all charges included, as mentioned in my Said letter,...