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Results 30311-30320 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
MS notes for a letter: New York Public Library (Berg) Perhaps as the [business?] of the 2d. Class is large some account of parts of Speech and Construction might be prescribed to the first Class. As the business of the third Class seems less than the others it may be well for them to learn a Rhetoric that year and be obliged to give some Account of the Tropes and Figures. The best I know is...
Copy: Library of Congress I have the Honor of informing you of our arrival at this Place this Day in the frigate l’Aurore from Martinico to which Iland the officers of the Confederacy thought proper to proceed in Consequence of the loss of all our Masts & the Damage our rudder received on the Edge of the Bank of New-foundland. We Left Martinico the 28th. of December & have a most agreable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I inclose this unfinished that I may have your Opinion whether it is, or is not, the thing . I can add or alter what you shall point out. Please to let me have it early in the Morning. I will call in the Afternoon and bring it with me finished, with what I can recollect of Politics, and of that Days Debate. Pray send also the other Paper for the Chronicle...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Arms which were damaged on board the Ariel and left here by Captain Jones on his last departure, to be repaired, are now nearly finished & ready for shiping. The Marquis of fayette’s arrival here, being hourly expected, we request you will inform us, if it is your intentions, that those arms shou’d be loaded, with the other goods, on said Vessel: a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie instamment de vouloir bien m’adresser demain ou après demain une reponse pour Monsieur le Comte de Tressan. Il y a près d’un mois qu’il vous a ecrit, et vous êtes convenu avec moi le dimanche 6 de ce mois de m’ecrire deux lettres une plus courte pour lui en reponse a la sienne que je lui ferai parvenir a sa terre, et l’autre plus detaillée pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I landed the day Before yesterday the Eight and thirty mutiners, I am getting Ready for to Sail for Nantes as fast as Possible and Expect to be ready in Eight days thence. I have had here all the Iron work repair’d and nothing but the most necessary things have been done or had. I shall wait for your orders at Nantes in a forteen night if the wind Permits....
Draft: American Philosophical Society I don’t know whether to say I fear or I hope this won’t reach you before you leave Holland, for I don’t care how soon we have you in our Island again, and I wish you had no Attachment ever to draw you from it again, that is I wish your Attachments were all here. My Mother wanted me to write another Letter to you while I was with her, but my Time was so...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Deux Particuliers desireroient acquerir une ou plusieurs parties de Terreins dans la Province de Pensilvanie pour chacun une Somme de Douze Mille Livre Tournois, ensemble Vingt quatre Mille Livres a Employer dont Douze Mille Livres pour et au nom de Gabriel Bouffé de Paris Douze Mille Livres pour et au nom de Pierre Gabriel Bouffé de Paris. Les dits Sieurs...
LS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre ci joint une 4e. de change en votre propre Traite du 23 Juillet 1781 à 10 jours de vue sur M Richard Backe [Bache] de Philadelphie laquelle, ainsi qu’il est dit au dos d’icelle, doit etre payée en france; nous vous prions, Monsieur, de vouloir bien l’accepter & de nous la faire repasser ensuite; Cette Te [Traite] est de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Many proofs—that I have experienced of your good nature—& politeness—leads me to hope that I shall meet your kind pardon for the liberty I take in troubleing you with the enclosed letter which contains one for my husband; you’ll, add to my great debt of gratitude—by delivering it to Mr. Shaffer—before that gentleman leaves Paris. He will repay you the...