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Results 3031-3060 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
If thanks flowing from a heart replete with joy and Gratitude can in any Measure compensate for...
Permit me to return you my sincerest thanks for your great assistance at the late Election; and...
Letter not found: to Robert Rutherford, 29 July 1758. On 31 July Rutherford wrote to GW : “I...
I Received Your favour July the 25th by Mr Campbel’s man, the Inclosed I have Sent Down by a Safe...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have been return’d but a few Days from our Ramble...
I Received Your kind favour of the 29th in a Large Packet. the other Letters therein Contained, I...
Printed in The New-England Magazine , I , no. 1 (August 1758), 20–8. About a year after...
Those matters we talkd of relative to the Roads, has since our parting been the object of my...
I am just returnd from a Conference held with Colo. Bouquet. I find him fixd—I think I may say...
I Received your letter, & Returns from Fort Cumberland. as to my giveing you my advice about the...
It gives me great Concern to acquaint you that Liut. Lawson & two men of your Regiment are down...
I had the pleasure of two Letters from you this morning, and as one of them was upon a most...
Your’s of the 13th Ulto I have Received by Mr Smith, I have done my Endeavours to get you a...
I forgot to mention in my Letter of yesterday your Second Company of artificers, which I beg you...
The Inclosed I took out of the Mail going to Wmburg Expecting it Woud Meet a reader Passage to...
Agreable to my Instructions from his Excelency Horatio Sharpe Ime orderd to write to you for an...
Last night 37 Waggons with Muskett Ball came here from Fort Frederick 18 of which were unloaded...
To Governor Fauquier Honble Sir Fort Cumberld Camp 5th August 1758. Your favour of the 20th Ulto...
I have scarcely time to acquaint you, That I was Yesterday at Mount Vernon to Visit Mr Patterson,...
I Receivd Your Favour by the Indians Which According to Your Orders I have Furnised the...
I last night had the pleasure of receiving your very agreeable and obliging favour by Mr Gist, 15...
The Generals Orders, or the Orders of any Superior Officer will, when once given, be a Law to me....
Captn Waggoner with 50 Men & 19 Waggon’s wait upon you for Provisions agreeable to my Yesterday’s...
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 7 Aug. 1758. On 8 Aug. Stewart wrote to GW : “Early this...
Letter not found: to Christopher Hardwick, 8 Aug. 1758. On 26 Aug. Hardwick wrote to GW : “Yours...
I Wrote You A few days Ago & Acquainted you that the Newgent Only Capt. Copethorn had gote Safe...
Early this morning I had the very great pleasure of recg your very acceptable Letter of...
Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 9 Aug. 1758. On 22 Aug. Carlyle wrote to GW : “I Was favd with...
I received your Canteens by the Waggons which brought up the Artillery & delivered them...
Mr Long the Waggon Mr of Maryland arrived here last night with 18 Waggons, which are to be loaded...