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Results 3031-3060 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The enclosed letter came to hand the last Evening; I was about breaking it open, agreable to your...
I have seen Mr. Stuart, and he requests me to say he is ready at any moment to give you a sitting...
I take the liberty of sending you a republication in the pamphlet form, of a series of papers...
We have the pleasure to advice your Excellency that the Loan is So far advanced, that all the...
These with my respects to your Honnour. I am Very glad to hear of your Safe arrival at Parris by...
We shall be glad to hear your Excellencys happy arrival in paris, at my being in the Hague Mr...
You had an opportunity of seeing the commencement of this business of Jones and the Alliance, of...
As the intelligence I am to communicate is in my opinion of the highest consequence to the...
I dare not, no, I will not delay longer my answer to your affectionate Letter, with which I was...
Since I had the honour of seeing you at your own house, I have been so unwell, & so much occupied...
I have but a Moment to write by the Mars, a Vessel belonging to this State, the Voyage having...
J’ay receu La lettre que vous m’avez fait L’honneur de m’ecrire Le 16 de ce mois, pour Scavoir...
I received some five weeks ago, an order from the President of the United States, an order to...
By a vessel that sails for Boston tomorrow I inclose You the british king’s speech on the...
According to the orders in your letter of the first of this month, I sealed the letter you sent...
I have the honor to inform you that I have been engaged thro this week in attempts to provide for...
I had the pleasure lately to hear of your safe arrival at Paris, and that you were, on the 13th....
De byvoeging in het Slot van Artikel 4 zoude in diervoegen gesteld konnen worden. En zullen de...
A packet boat is arrivd from Jamaica which saild from thence the 29th Jany. with accounts of Fort...
Had I strength enough remaining to have left my Room, to which I have been confind by severe &...
However you & I may have been taught by Civilians, & however History confirms the Maxim, that an...
A Vessel from N York to Liverpoole which saild the 24th. June, brings advice that Clinton had got...
I have the honour to transmit you herewith, a list of Invalid Pension-Applicants, belonging to...
Privious to my Taking any ultimate step relative to presenting the names of persons to offices,...
I have the honor to inclose 15 blanks, permissions to collectors to clear out flags of truce...
M r. Hamilton will have the honor of Dineing with the Vice President on the 30 th. of June...
I have been duly honored with your Excellency’s favors of the fifth tenth and eleventh of July— I...
We the Undersigned, prisoners in the Goal of Philadelphia, beg leave to present their Humble...
I Recollect That I Stand Indebted to you one Letter for your favor of the 22d. Feby and have...
Hesitating to bother the Count de Vergennes, you have done me the honor of addressing me in order...