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Results 3031-3060 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I enclose you some lines I wrote if you like you may publish them but do not say whose they are...
J. Madison has duly recd. the Copy of the Executive proceedings of the Senate & other documents...
I must apologize for neglecting to apprise you of the situation of the papers sent to me sometime...
I suspect I was mistaken in my letter of the 8 th in supposing the Report mentioned in your favor...
The half ton Ground Plaister you order, in yours of the 6th:, is this day forwarded, by a Boat,...
I have even less than usual of interest to relate today, since Tuesday last, I have been entirely...
I have duly recd. your favor of Mar. 29. accompanied by the two copies, one, of your speech on a...
my last to you was of Nov. 4. yours since rec d are of Oct. 7. Nov. 14. Dec 10. Jan. 26. Feb. 11....
The committee to whom the business was committed, have recently made a report on my claims, a...
The seeds of the Serpentine cucumber which you have been so kind as to send me at the request of...
I was this morning honoured with yours of the 31 st Ult o — I consider the fair value, @ this...
I thank you for the very able and eloquent speech you have been so kind as to send me on the...
Age & ill health have obliged me to commit all my affairs to the care of my grandson Th: J. R....
I learn with great pleasure that you are about publishing an account of your captivity by the...
I rec d your letter of Feb. 8. and with it the specimens of engraving referred to only 3. days...
Age and ill health have for some time past rendered me unequal to the care of my affairs, they...
I am happy to be informed of the historical work on our country which you are about to undertake,...
I hasten to acknowledge your favor of the 6 th inst. just rec d by which I have been both pained...
Seed of the large cucumber in Dotar Longs garden Cleveland Ohio it arrived in the absence of my...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia held at the said University on Monday...
I have extracted from the late proceedings of the board of Visitors such articles as require to...
Your Note of yesterday has been handed me by the Boy—From a conversation will Gen l Cocke on...
Some months Since, I had the honour to present to you, a Copy of my work, the Fauna...
Your several communications intended for the board of Visitors of the University, together with...
I reached this late last evening & fell over one of the banks and got much injured in several...
I have the pleasure to inform you that by the unanimous vote of the Rector and Visitors of the...
In compliance with the wishes of my friends and my own inclination I am about publishing a...
In Compliance with the wishes of my friends and with my own inclination I am about publishing a...
The Undersigned respectfully suggests to the Rector and Visitors of the University the propriety...
I have the honor, agreeably to the Enactments, to lay before you the journal of the Faculty. In...