Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from William Hodgson, 18 July 1782

From William Hodgson

ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

London 18 July 1782

Dear sir

I have recd yours of the 18th, but not that per Mr Young,9 I immediately set about procuring you the necessary Information Relative to the Marquis de Fayette & inclosed you have an Acc’t of the Wine & Salt as per Catalogue for Sale which I hope will be fully Satisfactory—1 if any thing further I mean Oath & Notarial Certificate shou’d be necessary, please to inform me & it shall be procured— I am going to the Secretarys Office to get this conveyed per Courier—if I shou’d be disappointed in that Conveyance, I shall send you per Some other Conveyance the general Catalogue, & this Letter per post, as the former is too bulky for the post— I am with the greatest Respect Dr sr yours most sincerly

William Hodgson

I Wrote you last post via Ostend, under Cover to Mr Grand
His Excellency Benj. Franklin Esqr

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9We have no other record of either letter. See BF to Vaughan, July 11, for the sending of letters via Young.

1For the catalogue see JW to BF, June 18.

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