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Results 30301-30350 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons receu hyer l’honneur de votre Lettre, qui nous laisse dans l’Incertitude Si les lettres de Change en acquit de Compte du Vau. [Vaisseau] Lariel Seront acceptés, nous avons eu celuy de vous prevenir que cet [c’est] notre Maison qui à acquittée toute la dépense de ce Vaisseau, par les Traites que Mrs. Gourlade et Moylan ont fournies Sur nous dont...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon the News of your arrival in France I did myself the honor of writing to you at the particular request of their Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Baaden, as well as from the pleasure I felt upon your return to Europe. This letter in all probability never reached your hands, or if it did, the multiplicity and importance of your present engagements,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis trop delicat pour allér sur les brisées de qui que ce soit, et je n’eusse point pris la liberté de vous offrir mon ministére, si Mr. Coder par sa lettre du 16e juin dernier ne m’eüt marqué étre chargé de complettér avec Mr. dubourg l’équipèment de deux mille hommes, sur des modèles agréés, qui seroint finis par tout ce courant juillét, et que mon...
AL : American Philosophical Society MM Veuve Leleu et Coe. ont l’honneur d’adresser a Monsieur franklin Une Lettre qui Vient de leur parvenir par Voye de Londres. Almost certainly the firm in Amiens listed in Almanach des marchands , p. 24, as Laleu. An N. Leleu, merchant, had written from that place in 1778 ( XXVII , 27).
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society Yesterday was presented to me another Bill of Exchange for 1100 Guilders, drawn on Mr Laurens 25th. Feby. 1780. I have, as usual, asked time to write to your Excellency, to know if You can be responsible for the payment: if not, they must be protested, for there is no Money to be had here. Indeed if there was a...
AL : American Philosophical Society The inclos’d just arriv’d from London into Mr. Genet’s hands are by him immediately dispatch’d to his Honour Benjamin Franklin and accompanied with Mr. Genet’s most humble duties. Addressed: M. Benjamin Franklin député du Congres / Americain A Passy
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si de ce que j’ai l’honneur d’etre attaché au Service de Messieurs Measse barcly Callwell et Compage. de philadelphie que je connois Etre du Nombre de vos amis peut m’ottoriser a prendre la liberté de vous Ecrire j’ose me flater que vous ferez un accueil favorable a ma Lettre par la quelle je vous fais part que le mois de juillet dernier par une trahison...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I inclose you a gazzet that Came out on the 5 day of this month which Surprised me much after hearing So much Taulk about Giveing the amerricans Everey thing but Bringing the Shugers Directley from the west indies that they Should issue an order of Councel for there owen Ships onley. I have taken Care to Send two of the Gazetts one by Each Ship Bound to...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The last mail brought the needful for your Friend Mr. W. P——rs’s remittance, & I immediately placd it to His credit in the Bank he requested, taking the proper rects. &c. The Excha. being rather unfavorable he lost seven shillings by the Bill; but, from his late letters, I make no doubt the remittance will be highly acceptable to Him. From there being a...
ALS : Library of Congress I am now to Acknowledge the receipt of your Favors of the 9th March and the 3d. of April togather with the News Papers and the Bishop of St. Asaph’s Sermons for which I am much obliged to you. The reply to the observations made upon a Speculation signed Junias Americanus is highly approved of; The Bishop’s Sermon is also much liked as it discovers a Catholic Spirit...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me proposois depuis longtemps d’avoir L’honneur de vous remettre le troisieme volume de notre dictionaire d’agriculture dont vous avés bien voulu accepter les deux premiers; mais des affaires me retenant a paris, je vous prie de vouloir bien en accepter L’hommage, qu’il m’eut été bien flatteur de vous rendre moimeme. J’apprends, Monsieur, que L’on vient...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had, Yesterday, the Honour of yours of the 24th. inclosing a Letter from his Excellency M. de Sartine, expressing his Majestys Desire that the Alliance Should be retained here a little longer. As my Baggage was on board, and every Appearance promised that We should be under Sail in three or four days for America, in a fine ship and the best Month in the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Pigott presents his Respects to Dr. Franklyn & begs the favour to have forwarded the two inclosed Letters for America hoping He will excuse the liberty as not Knowing any other so certain conveyance. Addressed: A Son Excellence Dr: Franklyn / Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etats / Unis d’Amerique / a / Paris It is possible that these letters were addressed...
AL (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania The writer, later known as “mad Anthony,” needs no introduction. Deborah Franklin had dealt with him briefly a decade earlier about her husband’s land speculations, but we have no evidence that Franklin knew him before they served together on the Pennsylvania committee of safety. They may or may not have met in Canada; Franklin was en route from...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You can not imagine the pleasure we received from hearing Mr Franklin was in England, we waited his coming to Chilbolton with the most anxious expectation not as a mere stranger, whom we were desirous of seeing, but as a person for whom we already entertained a particular regard. He was so good as to give us his company for two days— He appears an exceeding...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Madam La Marquise de Saineville, has Sent me, inclos’d in one of her letters, another, which at her Recommandation, and that of Mr. l’abbé Raynal, you were So good to write in my favour to Mr. Moris, your friend in Philadelphia. Your Réputation, Sir, makes me acquainted with its Value, and that Value Engages my most Sinceres Sentiments of Gratitude. Accept...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Vicomte de sarsfield a l’honneur dEnvoyer a Monsieur francklin La Lettre cy jointe—. Le derangement de sa santé Là Empechè d’Avoir L’honneur de Le Voir depuis longs temps— Il ira Le Chercher a Passy dans la Semaine prochaine— Il A L’honneur de l’assurer de son sincere attachement. Il Supplie Monsieur francklin d Avoir la bonté de Luy Envoÿer les Nouvelles...
LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; copy and transcript: National Archives I have nothing to add to mine of the 5th instant, but to congratulate you on the safe arrival of two Vessels from Holland, having on board the goods left by Commodore Gillon, & to present you in the name of Mr Paine with three copies of a late work of his, addressed to...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We beg leave to hand you the suppliment acct. of the Alliance’s disbursments, with the charges for repairs of the Arms discharged from on board the Ariel and afterwards loaded on the Marquis de La fayette; in this acct. is comprehended three small omissions in accounts formerly furnished. We request you will have it examin’d and inform us whether it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank you for your very kind remembrance of me, and for your valuable present to my Son. He is extremely flatter’d with it and as his desire to preserve an impression of your person shew’d some virtuous disposition in him, I hope he will study and imitate your conduct if he should ever be called to the service of his Country. The Confidence which the...
I had last night the honour of your Letter of the 22d and I most heartily congratulate the French Court and Nation, on the acquisition of a Dauphin. The Ships which the South Carolina, was to have taken under her Convoy, are Still here. I am told, that the Ships are the best that are to be had: that they are to be sold at a reasonable Rate, so reasonable that the difference, between the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay lhonneur de vous adresser le mémoire que votre Exellence ma promis de remettre mardy prochain a Monsieur Le Marquis de ségur. Mr. Le Duc D’ayen et le Prince de Poix qui veulent Bien sinteresser vivement a Moy, Se joignent pour prier Son Excellence d’appuyer Leur demande, convaincu d’aprés cela que cela ne pourra faire aucune Difficulté. J’ay lhonneur...
Copy: Archives de la Marine Jai recû, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de mecrire le 17 de ce mois pour m’informer que vous avez fait connoître à M Barclay qui est actuellement à l’orient quelles sont celles des munitions deposées à Brest et appt. au Congrés qui doivent etre embarquées de preference. En consequence de ce que vous m’avez marqué, je donne mes ordres á Brest...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me by this Opportunity to transmit to you the sincere and most affectionate Regards of an old Friend; with my grateful Acknowledgment for your kind and repeated Remberance of me, in your Letters to our worthy and mutual Friend Doctor Cooper. By Order of Congress, a general Tribute of Praise and Thanksgiving is, this Day offered up throughout the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Montgomerys Respectful Compliments wait on Doctr. Franklin. and takes the liberty of Introducing Her Son. As fatigue & a Slight Indisposition prevents Her paying Her Compliments to the Doctr. at present, flatters Her self with having that Honor in a few Days, Her Compts. attend Mr. W— Franklin. Addressed: His Exellency / Benjn. Franklin Esqr / Passy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Will you permit me to withdraw your attention from contemplations of general Calamity, to a Tale of private Woe? It will cost you an half hour of your Leizure, and, perhaps, may procure to me many years of Felicity. I have already said enough to engage the patience of a Man whose Characteristic is Benevolence. The matter, Sir, which I wish to communicate...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr & Mrs. Macarty present thier most Respectfull Compliments to Doctr. Franklin, and are Sorry they cannot have the honor of Dining with him to Day, being Engage’d; having only this moment Recieved Doctr Franklins polite Invitation of the 11th. Addressed: Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / Passy William Macarty’s wife joined him in Lorient in September, 1781:...
AD : Haverford College Library In accordance with Franklin’s power of attorney, Nov. 5, 1764 (above, XI , 441–3), James Parker undertook a detailed examination of the financial records of Franklin & Hall well in advance of the expiration of the partnership agreement and the dissolution of the firm, scheduled to take place on Feb. 1, 1766. He began the examination in the latter part of February...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer, Mr: James Lyon, who is well known in Philadelphia, desired me to introduce him to you by a Line. He waits on you for your Opinion of a Scheme for a Settlement on Mississipi, which he will Show you; and for your Directions, and, if you Shall see Cause to approve any thing to that Purpose, your assistance. He is a young Gentleman of a very good...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous recommander 1° M. le Chevalier du Gravier, ami de M. Coder, Officier d’artillerie du plus grand merite, qui part pour Bordeaux sa patrie où son ami m’assure qu’il peut vous etre d’une utilité infinie; il vous expliquera mieux que moi en quoi, et comment. Il ne desire que de vous etre presente. 2° M. de Livoys Officier de marine...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In consequence of the case I have submitted to your consideration, I have to inform you that I waited on the Spanish Ambassador and received yesterday for answer that as he had no orders to advance money to Spanish subjects passing through France, he must beg to decline it and concluded with recommending it to me to apply to you as the most proper Person.—...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ I have not The honour of being personally known to you, I thus venture to address you, not as a Country man, but as a fellow creature, who is reduced by a Captivity of upwards of three years; by Sickness, and Every sort of Evil to the last degree of unhappyness. I am thus compel’d to have Recourse to this most humiliating method of Subsisting. Your...
Copy: Yale University Library Mr Louis Tardy informs me that he could obtain an advantageous protection for his Brother who is lately gone to St Domingo if you would kindly signify a favourable opinion of him. I therefore do not hesitate to assure you that the person in question Mr Gabriel Tardy has been near 5 years with me and I can with truth declare him to be an honest, industrious &...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania <General Post Office, Thursday, April 4, 1771. An invitation, in the third person, to dinner at four the next day with Mr. Wharton and Major Trent. A bizarre postscript, in Todd’s hand, reads “Salt Fish and Brandy.”> Samuel Wharton and William Trent, two of the prime movers in the Walpole Company. The dinner was presumably to discuss its affairs.
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania In July 1758 Franklin, accompanied by his son William, took the first of the extended journeys in the British Isles or on the Continent that became his annual practice during his London residence except when his official duties prevented. He thought that these travels contributed greatly to his health, as they certainly did to his pleasure and to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho we are far from being competent Judges, what kind of Treatment an American in the French Service ought to expect from the English when taken prisonner by them, we think it our duty to do all that lays in our power in favor of those whose misfortunes it is to be taken prisonner on board of any Vessell belonging to us. The Inclos’d are copies of three...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since I did myself the pleasure of writing to you by the Marquis La Fayette, which was only a few days ago— I have been honored by yours of the 13th. September and made happy by hearing that you were well. I have already anticipated your wish, by a personal inquiry in Bucks County after the papers that were left in the Trunk at Trevoes, but nothing that...
ALS : Library of Congress I have wrote to you two letters, one the 2d. and the other the 29th. of December, aquainting you of what was done in the Comission I was charged with, and of the Queens resolution of giving her answer by her Minister. As I have not had the honour of receiving any answer from you, I doute of my letters Coming to your hand; it being natural that my zeal for the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library Since writing you about the Prisoners on Parole and others who wanted their Parole, I am informed by the Officer of the Garrison here that if I will add these Prisonners to those now in Rochelle a Cartel may be immediately procured to send them off together, specifying the Distinctions of the Flags under which they were taken...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Vaughan has the honor to present his respectful comps. to Dr Franklin. Inclosed is a letter from Mr Hodgson, which Mr V received this morning, & forwards early, as he imagines Dr Franklin may wish to answer it by Mr Storer, who sets off tonight at 10 oClock for London. Respecting News, Mr Vaughan has the pleasure to inform Dr Franklin, that Lord Surry is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notwithstanding I left Orleans on Tuesday Morg, I did not get here ’till this Day at 11 .00— The shortness of the Days, & the Loire being at this Time extreamly low, occasioned our being so long on the Water: there are so many Sand Banks in the River that it was impossible for us to proced but from Sunrise to sunset: & notwithstanding; our Boat often got on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I should have been happy to the greatest degree in the honour of Dining with you Sunday, but to my misfortune since my Sister’s late Illness she does not Dine from home; but I shall have the honour of waiting on you with my Mother and Sister Sunday afternoon if you will give us leave. They desire their most sincere Compliments with a thousand thanks for the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You Called me by your Order from the Commend of the American Frigate Alliance which The Honorable Congress had Confided the Commend off, to me; upon Some Accusations that none but a Court Martial Can judge, and you have given the Said Commend to my accuser, You have kept me here these four months past I d’ont know what for as it Could be Said in America,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last I have recvd from La Duchesse de Villroy the Plan of your Armonica improved, which you will receive by this Ship. The Newspapers will give you all in the political Way. I have been several Days shut up in your Room, so have not been able to gather any thing more than the Public Prints contain. You will see by the Fate of the N York and Quebec...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You express’d an intention to pay us a visit the latter end of this week, and as I should be sorry to be disappointed of the pleasure of your company when you come, I write this to inform that we have an engagement of a long standing for to-morrow, and the next day we expect company to dine with us, which makes me wish you to defer coming till the beginning...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Voici, comme je l’ai promis dans ma derniere, ce que m’écrit Mr. W.L. de Francfort, en date du 4 de ce mois “I have been but a few days returned from Paris. Until I got there, I did not know how deeply you have been engaged in a very important business. It might have been well if the Gentlemen had made me acquainted with...
LS : American Philosophical Society M. Benjin. Vaughan par sa lettre de Londres du 6 de ce mois m’annonçoit qu’il venoit de me faire adresser 4 Boëtes à l’adresse de votre Excellence. Ces boëtes sont effectivement arrivées ce matin par le Paquebot du Capne. Bagster, mais l’une d’elles, la plus forte, paroissant être beaucoup endommagée, on l’a retira du Vaisseau, et elle fut portée à la Douane...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With the fullest confidence of your Excellencys readiness in assisting those who are distressed, particularily when such distresses, happen in the Course of human affairs and not brought upon men for any act of theirs, I flatter myself, that my Pardon for the Liberty I take, and the request I make will be most cordialy Granted. My worthy Fellow-Citizens of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I forwarded my bankers Messrs. J. Cottin & fils & Jauge, a small bill drawn by Jas. Clark Esqr on you for 18 dolls—viz No. 2693. dated 28th. Decr. 1780 in favr. Mary Jenkins & indors’d to me by James Daggett— Messrs. Cottin’s advise me that the bill is by some means lost— If you can negotiate the ammount with them in consequence of the above discription...
ALS : American Philosophical Society According to the letter your Grand son wrote me last Morning I have obtain’d from the Ministry that the four thousand Compleat Cloathes would be Carried on Board of the frigatte that is ordered to Carry me to America— so that if they are at Rochefort, la Rochelle, l’isle d aix or l’isle de Rhé By the Second of the next month they will be taken on Board— I...