George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 28 July 1758

To Henry Bouquet

Camp at Fort Cumberland 28th July 1758

Dear Sir

Your favour of Yesterday I had the pleasure of receiving last Night. I detaind the Party till my Adjutants return from Rays Town (which I hourly expected) imagining something by him might arrive, that woud require answering by it.1

I have informd Captn Dagworthy of the Orders for His March, he will depart therefore so soon as he can draw in his Men from the Grass Guard.2

Inclosd is a return of the Tents wanting to compleat the first Virginia Regiment, and I have desird Colo. Byrd to send one for the Second Regiment Also.3

I shall, agreable to your direction’s, send back the Waggons to Winchester; having receivd No Orders either from the General or Sir John to the Contrary.

Forty Six of Colo. Byrds Indians left this for their Nation4 Yesterday Evening, after having receivd their Presents. I was much surprizd to hear of a report spread, and prevailing in Yr Camp, that a Party of Shawnesse and Delawares were come into this place—there has not been the most distant cause for such a report since I came here.5

As I shall have the great satisfaction of seeing you to morrow,6 will till then, defer entering on the most material part of your Letter—In the meantime I beg leave to Subscribe myself with great Sincerety Dear Sir Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt

Go: Washington

ALS, British Museum: Add. MSS 21641 (Bouquet Papers); LB (original), DLC:GW; LB (recopied), DLC:GW.

1GW made Sgt. William Hughes adjutant of the Virginia Regiment in June 1757 in place of James Livingston of the Maryland forces. Lt. Edward Hubbard at this time was acting as adjutant for Lt. Col. Adam Stephen and the six companies of the 1st Virginia Regiment at Raystown.

4GW wrote here in his original letter book“—16 only remain” and omitted the rest of the sentence.

6The Rev. Andrew Bey, the Presbyterian chaplain of the 3d Battalion of the Pennsylvania Regiment, entered in his diary on Saturday, 29 July: “Arrived in Camp [at Raystown], Sir John St. Clair, as did likewise Colo. Washington escorted by Capt. [Robert] Stewart & part of his Troop of Light Horses. He was conducted in by Colo. Bouquet who went out to meet him with a party of Pennsylvania Troop” (Walkinshaw, Annals of Southwestern Pennsylvania description begins Lewis Clark Walkinshaw. Annals of Southwestern Pennsylvania. 4 vols. New York, 1939. description ends , 1:224).

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