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Results 30241-30270 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Reprinted from Parke-Bernet sale catalogue, February 27–28, 1974, item 265. The Bearer M....
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, June 30, 1778: A ship from Louisiana confirms...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Dunkirk, June 30, 1778: Six Russian ships of the line are...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paimboeuf, June 30, 1778: Captain Turner learned on his...
30245General Orders, 30 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Men are to wash themselves this afternoon & appear as clean and decent as possible. Seven...
As we are again in possession of philadelphia and it may possibly happen that in the course of...
I received your Excellency’s Favour of yesterday, at 10 oClock this morng with the Letter...
With much difficulty, I have marched three hundred Men—but could not prevail on a greater number...
I wrote your Excellency this morning, that I had with difficulty, prevailed on three hundred Men...
You will immediately proceed to Philadelphia, with such of your assistants, as you shall think...
Yesterday a Xebeck arrived in this port from Spain, and a Cutter from France, I have this day...
From the knowledge I have of your Excys character—I must conclude that nothing but the...
I received your letter (dated thro’ mistake the 1st of July) expressed as I conceive, in terms...
I beg your Excellency’s pardon for the inaccuracy in misdating my letter —you cannot afford me...
Since I had the honor of addressing my letter by Col. Fitzgerald to your Excellency I have...
Your letter by Colo. Fitzgerald and also one of this date have been duly received. I have sent...
The enemy are encampd that is the rear of them, at Nut swamp —I am within three miles in thair...
I have omitted writing to you for some time because I had it not in my power to ascertain the...
Your favour of the 28th has stopp’d My Moving again towards you, Nevertheless I hold some Men in...
[ July–November, 1778 .] Asks Hamilton to assist the Chevalier de Villefranche. ALS , Hamilton...
Document not found : Speech to Oneida Indians [July-August 1778]. This document, in James...
Pardon the freedom I take in thus addressing your honours unknown but as an American I trust you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis a paris depuis deux jours, et si je n’eusse pas été...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having addresed you twice before which I imagine have...
After various Reports of the Capture of the Boston by a British Cruizer, and of her being struck...
I have wrote you several long Letters since you left us, some of which you will doubtless by the...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I received your Letter dated at Brussels the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Treaty of Friendship and Commerce happily concluded...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have wrote you four or five Times not long since, but from...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library In the course of the four months covered by this volume,...