From Joseph Priestley to John Adams, 23 February 1793
From Joseph Priestley
Clapton Feb 23. 1793
Dear Sir
Such is the situation of this country, that I fear I shall be too troublesome in recommending to your notice Dissenters that are disposed to emigrate, and settle on your Continent This letter will be deliverd to you by two young men of good character, and fine spirit, the sons of Mr G. Humphreys, a fellow sufferer with me in the Riot in Birmingham.1 Many others will also find it necessary to look out for an asylum either in France or with you; and at present America will in general be preferred to France. Two of my sons are in the number, and they will wait upon you in a few months, and if they get a settlement, I shall be happy to follow them. I can give you but an imperfect idea of the violence of the Church and king party in this country, especially with respect to myself, who since the death of Dr Price, are the most Anxious of all the Dissenters.
I shall take the liberty to give you a line by my son, and in the mean time subscribe myself, with my best respects to Mrs Adams, / Dear Sir, / yours sincerely
J Priestley
RC (Adams Papers).
1. This was Priestley’s neighbor, George Humphreys, whose mansion in Sparkbrook, England, was plundered by the Birmingham rioters but escaped the total destruction that many suffered (James Belcher, The Birmingham Riots of 1791, Birmingham, Eng., 1867, p. 8).