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Results 30201-30250 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Considering you a patron of literature & science, & a well wisher to the general interest of...
Here we are snug in a warm room consoling ourselves on our escape from the Storm, by our safe...
I am induced to furnish you with a list of my friends who interrested themselves for me and...
St. Augustine, 6 Aug. 1791 . Replying to TJ’s letter of 10 Mch. regarding the king’s ruling on...
LS : Maryland State Archives; copy: Library of Congress I received your Excellency’s Letter of...
Observations on the answer of mr Divers . This def. having given his answer individually, and...
I was much surprized on my arrival here to discover that your nomination had been without any...
I had finished my letter when I received a respite of another quarter of an hour which I shall...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Madam La Marquise de Saineville, has Sent me, inclos’d in...
The enclosed (one for yourself & the other for Major Clarkson) comes in consequence of Generl...
I have written on to washington to Obtain a Majors Commision in the Service to Several friends—at...
I was last Week on my return from this Place to Camp; but on receiving Inteligence of the Enemy’s...
Your letter of the 14th of december, which was directed to me in Richmond, did not find its way...
I fully intended in my letter of the 14th to have desired you to return to this Army, but I might...
At a large and general meeting of the Inhabitants of this Village and its Vicinity at Mr. Patrick...
I have not been much Us’d to ask Favors of your Excellency nor do I wish in any Instance to be...
30217Cash Accounts, February 1771 (Washington Papers)
Contra Feby 2— By Susanna Bishop £ 0.15.0 By a Box of Spirma Citi Candles @ 2/3 3.13.8 By Mr Lund...
Your favor of the 6th of September has been duly received, and for the information contained in...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President the translation of a letter he received...
I left Paris the 12th of last month upon a visit to England & returned on the 15th of this; I...
I have duly recieved your letter of Jan. 27. with respect to the silver mine on the river Platte,...
Your letter of the 19 th inst: with the deed enclosed, has been received. The alterations in the...
ALS : Mrs. James A. de Rothschild, England (1962) Inclos’d I send you a Copy of a Letter to Sir...
I recd. yesterday yours of the 11th. The letter from Mr. Cabell which I return is of very...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours, and I do by this Post request M. Schweighauser to...
My Last to your Excellency was on the first Octor, covering my Return for the Month of September,...
The recent death of Dudley B. Hobart Esqr. having rendered the Office of Collector at the Port of...
I thank you Sir for the pleasure afforded by your interresting address to the Philolemian Society...
30229[Diary entry: 28 February 1772] (Washington Papers)
28. Very white frost & fresh Southerly Wind with Clouds & now & then a slight sprinkle of Rain....
Letter not found : to Maj. Gen. Alexander McDougall, c.18 Jan. 1779. GW wrote George Measam on...
I have not had the pleasure of a line from you since your favor in Novr last, which leads me to...
On the 12th Ulto I troubled you with a Letter respecting my Consignment of Flour to D: J: Adams...
At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, on the 26th day of December, 1795,...
It being understood that you are disposed to take charge of the Dispatches which are to go to...
30235[Diary entry: 17 September 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. Rain in the Fore & afternoon & Cloudy all day.
Immediately on receipt of yours, I wrote Col. Heath for the enclosed which only came to hand...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Vicomte de sarsfield a l’honneur dEnvoyer a Monsieur...
Several weeks have Elapsed since I addressed the President pr Mail on the subject of A...
28 March 1803, Tangier. No. 55. States that he kept his dispatch no. 53 [24 Dec. 1802] , awaiting...
I offer you many thanks for the 1st. vol: of Memoirs published by your Agricultural Board. It...
LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; copy and...
In reply to the letter of M r Jefferson which you transmitted to this Department , I enclose a...
I take the liberty to Send you for you and your friends Some copies of my plan of business...
I return you the report with great approbation. one or two verbal changes, and, in one place, the...
The letter which you did me the honor to write to me on the 22 d ult o was duly laid before the...
Treasury Department, April 19, 1794. “I transmit you a letter from Governor Mifflin to The...
As I am altogether unacquainted whether your Excellency does business on the Sabbath or not, I...
We have the honor of transmitting to you enclosed, a certified Act of Congress of the 18th....
If Major Lee’s Corps is still at Philadelphia or within its vicinity—or has not advanced more...
Called upon to undertake the duties of the first Executive office of our country, I avail myself...