Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from John Jay, 13 July 1781

From John Jay

Copy: Library of Congress

Madrid 13. July 1781.

Dear Sir,

I have received your Favor8 respecting the Pump at aldgate.

I have since (two Days Ago) recd. Letters from Congress assuring me that no further Bills shall be drawn upon me.9

These Dispatches have given me so much Business that I am obliged to desire Mr. Carm1 to write you the News, and to assure you without further additions to this Letter that I am most sincerely, Your aff. obliged Friend & Servant.

(signed) John Jay.

His Excelly. Doctr. Franklin.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Of June 30, above.

9This probably refers to the congressional resolution of April 27, 1781, that no more bills drawn on Jay or Henry Laurens would be sold: JCC, XX, 451.

1Carmichael, whose letter is immediately above.

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