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Results 30151-30200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
30151[January 1774] (Washington Papers)
Jan 1st. Fox hunting with Mr. George Digges, Mr. Robt. Alexr. & Peake who all dind here, together...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society Je suis informé, Messieurs,...
With respect to the prosecutions against Thomas & others for a misdemeanor at Common law we ought...
Copy and L (draft): Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, Votre Lettre du 2. de ce mois. Je...
New York, July 10, 1799. “I send you an Extract of a letter of the 20th June from Col: Hunewell,...
[ Philadelphia, January 7, 1793. On January 13, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Ternant : “drafts cannot...
While you confide in, and do those things which you have reason to believe are pleasing and...
Mess rs Dinsmore & Neilson is pressing me very hard for money they want about $4000—by refering...
At a meeting of the most respectable Inhabitants of Washington County on the 20th Inst. for the...
Letter not found: from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 16 Nov. 1779 . GW wrote Trumbull on 20 Nov. : “I...
Agreeable to my Promise I have the Pleasure to send you the Extract from the Annual Register for...
A Capt Robinson, who superintends the Merchants Frigate at New York, has been recommended to...
Enclosed is a letter from Elias Backman, Consul in Sweden with an account, which you will please...
I enclose you an Extract of a Letter from Mr Boudinot to Mr Fergusson the Commissary of Prisoners...
I inclose you the Aurora of this morning which is pretty rich in contents. For some time past it...
Camp at Cambridge, 13 February 1776. Recommends the Rev. Jacob Foster as chaplain of the 7th and...
Your Letter of the 8th I recd last Night—I am affraid the Draughts from Prince William, Culpeper...
I have enclosed to Your Excellency a Copy of a Letter to the President of Congress containing...
27 November 1801, Málaga. Acknowledges receipt two weeks earlier of JM’s 1 Aug. circular letter ....
River-Farm Crops for, & operations thereon, for the year 1800 Field No. 1—Is now partly in Wheat....
Mr. William Short (now in Europe) owns 1000. as. of land in St. Bride’s parish Norfolk county...
Your favor of Apr. 23. is just now recieved, and I am first to apologise for the liberty taken of...
By Capt. Haydon who arrived here the day before yesterday I received a Pacquet of News-Papers and...
I had the honor this moment, to receive yours of the 21 inst. & have ordered the field ps &c to...
301753d. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Artaud dined out. Stay’d at home all day. Rainy weather.
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 29 March 1795. On 5 April, GW wrote Pearce acknowledging...
I shall with pleasure obey the command contained in your letter of the 17th instant and shall...
In my letter of the 11th. instant I had the honour of inclosing you copies of letters relative to...
I wrote to you on the 2 nd inclosing $100 in small notes, and have since received your favor of...
30180[June 1771] (Adams Papers)
Spent the Day at Worcester in Riding about with Mr. Putnam to see his Farm. He does what he...
ALS : New-York Historical Society Messieurs Galatin & De Serres, two young Gentlemen of Geneva,...
To Colonel George Rogers Clarke Commander in Chief of the Virginia Troops in the County of...
Letter not found : from John Morgan, 16 June 1779. GW wrote Morgan on 24 June: “Your Letter of...
The board of commissioners in Boston from the society in Scotland for propagating christian...
I duly received your favor’s of Janry. 28th. and Febry. the 1st. and have sent the Articles...
AL (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania The writer, later known as “mad Anthony,” needs no...
In consequence of a letter from His Excellency the Governor representing the situation of the...
Letter not found : from George Clinton, 14 Sept. 1794. Edmund Randolph wrote Clinton on 17 Sept.:...
I have so repeatedly, but without effect, called upon you to attend the Business of your...
Since my last, we have nothing new from England or from the camps at either Cambridge or St....
I yesterday sent from hence the packages noted in the inclosed bill of lading, to be forwarded up...
Since I had the honor of addressing Your Excellency this morning, I received a Letter from...
Thomas Jefferson, of monticello, to Th: Appleton of Leghorn—D r 1825 June To a piedestal of white...
If Mrs French or yourself, have come to any determination respecting the proposal I made in a...
j’eûs l’honneur au mois d’avril dernier de Vous adresser un Exemplaire de la Nouvelle traduction...
I have received your letter of the 14. instant and have referred the application contained...
In consequence of my representations to Congress of the advantage that might be derived from...
30198October [1766] (Washington Papers)
1st. 2, 3, & 4. Sowing Wheat Doeg Run. 2. Finished getting & securing Fodder at Muddy hole. 3....
After meeting with repeated disappointments I at length succeeded in getting the Hhd: of lime,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You can not imagine the pleasure we received from hearing Mr...