George Washington Papers

Enclosure: Account with John Hite, 24 July 1758


Account with John Hite

July the 24th 1758

George Washington Esqr. Colo. of the First Virginia Regiam’t Dr

[£  s. d.]
To 3. Gallons and 3 Quarts of Beer @ 1/0 pr Gall. 0. 3. 9
To 10. Bowls of Punch @ 2/6 Each 1. 5. 0
To 9. half pints of rum @ 7½ d. Each 0. 5. 7½
To 1. Pint of Wine @ 0. 1. 6

Received the above acct From Lieut. Charles Smith ⅌r Jno. Hite1

DS, DLC:GW. The account seems to be in the hand of Charles Smith.

1For other election expenditures of Charles Smith on behalf of GW, see Smith to GW, 26 July 1758, and enclosures.

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