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Results 3011-3020 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your Letter of the 22 d , alledging Business as an Apology for not writing gave me more Pleasure than a long Letter would have done. Business is always an Apology, for declining Pleasure or Amusement of any kind. I Sent you, by a late Post other Tryals, Geralds, Muirs and Margarots. Geralds is worth all the rest. M r Laing, the Council for Gerald is I Suppose the Same with Malcolm Laing Esq r...
I have received your kind letter of the 29th. April with much pleasure—When I received the favour of your two Volum’s of American Annals—I read them with greatful sentiments for the rich present.—and with great satisfaction in the enjoyment—and pleasure, and instruction they afforded me Though the British reviewers say we have no literature— yet I say that this work is of more importance to...
30131783. October 27. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Went to see Mr. Jay who is lodged with Mr. Bingham, in Harley Street, Cavendish Square, No. 30. And in the Afternoon went to see Mr. Johnson, Great Tower Hill, who informed me that a Vessell with 1000 Hogsheads of Tobacco is passed by, in the Channel, from Congress to Messrs. Willinks. I gave Mr. Johnson his Letter, as I had left Mr. Hartleys for him at his House, who is gone into the Country,...
If ever there was any philosophic solitude, your two friends have found it in this place, where we have been wind bound, a whole week, without a creature to speak to. Our whole business, pleasure and amusement has been reading Necker’s Religious opinions, Hayley’s Old Maids, and Cumberland’s fourth Observer. Our whole stock is now exhausted, and if the ship should not arrive with a fresh...
I now Send you a Copy of the Law of Massachusetts in 13 Nov. 1775, taken from Edis’s Boston Gazette printed at Watertown, the 13th of November 1775. In the sixteenth year of the Reign of George the Third, King &c. An Act for encouraging the fixing out of armed Vessels to defend the Sea Coast of America, and for erecting a Court to try and condemn all Vessels that Shall be found infesting the...
I owe you many thanks for the present of an ingenious, entertaining and valuable oration, pronounced by you on the 4th of July, before the Salem Charitable Mechanic Association. I have read it with great pleasure, as 1 have all the orations which have been sent me this year. I have been much affected with the remarkable uniformity of principles and sentiments, and coincidence of topics, which...
inclosed is a Letter from Capt n. Brown who commands the best Packet between Providence and this Place.— He called very politely and respectfully to offer his service in bringing you to New York.— if you can let him know the time when you can come, he will be ready. I have taken an House: but have nothing to put in it, [no]r to live on.— nothing is yet determined, I never felt so [ir]resolute...
3018[Fryday August 2. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Fryday August 2. 1776. The Board of War brought in a report, which was accepted as in the Journal. The Marine Committee brought in a report, on the Conduct of Commodore Hopkins. Committee of the whole on the Articles of Confederation, Mr. Morton in the Chair. JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, Washington, 1904–1937; 34 vols. , 5:627–628....
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write on the 21st. of October, for which I pray you to accept my thanks. The work which you propose to publish will be very pleasing I doubt not to this Country, and to none of its Citizens more than to me. Britain has made too very formidable attempts to Conquer America in Arms; but instead of acquiring glory she has come off with disgrace...
By the last post from Boston I recd your Letter of Nov. 18th.—I have before recd one at Quincy and another at Boston. I thank you sir for these friendly Communications, although I have not had oppertunity to answer them particularly. I was very Sensible of the importance of Congress Sitting in Philadelphia if it could be done with Safety and accordingl,y as soon as I was convinced of this...