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Results 3011-3020 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J. M. had occasion lately to return his thanks to Mr. Van Buren for a copy of the Executive proceedings of the Senate relating to the Mission to the Congs. at Panama. He has now to add those due for the Copy since recd. of the very able Speech deliverd by him on that subject, repeating at the same time assurances of his high & friendly respects. Draft ( DLC ). See JM to Van Buren, 10 Apr. 1826...
By a letter which I received from England I have been informed that the warehouse in which part of the apparatus for my department had been deposited, previous to its being shipped, has been destroyed by fire; & that the instruments were consumed with it. I trust that this is not the case, or that the loss was not extensive. My informant, who had only heard of the circumstance accidentally,...
It is proper to inform you before I leave the neighbourhood what I have done, in discharge of the duty assigned us, by the Board of Visitors at its last meeting— Doctor Dunglison accompanied the Proctor & myself in viewing the situation of the Eastern Range of Hotels & Dormitores when it was decided to be necessary, to construct two paved or brick-laid gutters in the rear of two sections of...
I am requested, by the Faculty of the University of Virginia, to lay before you the following Extract from the Minutes of the Faculty & to pray your attention thereto— Robley Dunglison Chairman of the Faculty. “Resolved That a memorial be sent to be Rector, stating that if the periodicals be only furnished annually their utility will be so much diminished, that the greater part of them must,...
I have been duly favored with Your letters of the 8th and 10th of this Month. I feel very proud, that my Speech should in any degree receive your Approbation. On the subject of Slavery, I do not mean to maintain that in the Abstract , One man has a right “to appropriate to himself the faculties of Another with-out his Consent.”—But it is Another question, whether, taking things as they Are,...
The use you have made of my letters needed no apology. they were in fact public in their nature. had not my memory so totally left me, I have no doubt I might supply from that source whatever may be defective in the extracts you have made, for altho’ I cannot say I recollect the actual fact, yet from my knolege of myself I am conscious that a compliance with your request to return home was so...
I correct my blunder of misdirecting my letter to mr Madison by inclosing it to him this day. I committed a similar one while in Paris by cross directing two letters to two ladies out of which scrape I did not get so easily. affectionate salutations MiU-C .
Pardon me this intrusion—it shall be short—and eminates from feelings which I cannot repress. It was, Sir, with extreme sorrow & regret, I noticed your application to the Legislature of Virginia for a Lottery to fecilitate the sale of your real estate. I mean not to flatter—but believe me, Sir, the Republicans of the “old school,” those who from infancy to middle age (like myself) have been...
Burwell pa. D 124 1816. Apr. 25. 10 128 Nov. 1. 10 131 1817. Apr. 26. 10 139 1818. Apr.
A thousand thanks to my ever dear Cousin, for his unbounded benevolence to me. The barrel of cider will last three of my lives, & the wine I presume is excellent for your wine is always Superlative. I am rejoiced that you and Mrs B are convalescent. George has done his duty in waiting upon you, and I hope he will do so as long as you live—Your kind and thankful friend Miss Smith sends her...