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Results 301-350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : New-York Historical Society Mr. Harrison tells me you are still in New York, as deeply...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank You heartily for Your kind preamble to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Herewith I send the Seal which you so long ago Spoke to me...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks) I received this afternoon a Copy of the Proposals...
ALS : Yale University Library I receiv’d your Favour of the 4th Instant. I ought before this Time...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks) I can scarce ever forgive thee for not shewing me,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I’m informd of Some Letters from Virginia being directed for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will receive by this Mail two Packets from Barbadoes,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Steel who got here last week desires me to write you in...
Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences The inclosed is a Copy of my last, which went by the...
MS Minutes: Library Company of Philadelphia Franklin informed the Library Company Directors on...
MS not found; reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly , LXI (1888), 26. Your Favours of March 18 and...
ALS : Yale University Library I receiv’d your Favour of the 26th. which I shall answer at large...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of the 23d Ulto With Mr. Thos...
ALS : New-York Historical Society Baxters [book] was gon so much out of my memory that I could...
ALS : New-York Historical Society; draft: American Philosophical Society The Observations I sent...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am glad to hear that Mr. Whitefield is safe arriv’d, and...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I am glad the electrical Observations please you. I leave them...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I have lately written two long Letters to you on the Subject of...
ALS : Yale University Library This just serves to enclose you a Letter from our Friend Bertram;...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Whiting came and [paid the] whole last Saturday Evening...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Last Week I accidently met Mr. DeLancey in the Streets: I...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have one of your Histories come in among some Books sent me...
ADS : Princeton University Library Receiv’d Sept. 28. 1747 of Mr. Gambold Twenty three Pounds Ten...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am sorry to Acquaint you that with Assiduity Equal to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am obliged by your favour of the 24th and the Information...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I send you herewith the History of the Five Nations. You will...
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , 8. This has been a busy day with your daughter...
329Plain Truth, 17 November 1747 (Franklin Papers)
Plain Truth: or, Serious Considerations On the Present State of the City of Philadelphia, and...
Broadside: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; also printed (with “Remarks”) in The Pennsylvania...
ALS : New-York Historical Society The violent Party Spirit that appears in all the Votes &c. of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of June 11. per Capt. Tiffin, with...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Abundance of Stories have been told by...
Reprinted from Sparks, Works , VII , 24–7. I have expected to see thee here for several weeks,...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , December 12, 1747. The most urgent problem for the...
MS not found; reprinted from Sparks, Works , VII , 28. I am heartily glad you approve of our...
MS (fragment): American Philosophical Society The Associators—almost 600 in number—assembled with...
Broadside: Yale University Library The minutes of the Governor’s Council of December 8, 1747,...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , December 22, 1747. This explanation is an integral part of...
340Poor Richard Improved, 1748 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanack and Ephemeris of the Motions of the Sun and Moon; the...
DS : nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Yale University Library; no. 5, Edgar Fahs Smith Library, University of...
342Notes on the Association, 1748 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 5 to September 1, 1748. Between November 1747 and...
DS : Haverford College Library; also copy: Department of Records, Recorder of Deeds, Philadelphia...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 12 and April 16, 1748. The companies of...
MS Account Book: American Philosophical Society This ledger, labeled “Franklin & Hall No. 1,”...
AL : New-York Historical Society I received your Favour relating to the Cannon. We have...
MS not found; reprinted from Sparks, Works , VII , 31–3. I have not yet found the book, but...
MS not found; reprinted from Sparks, Works , VII , 33. I send you herewith the book, and enclosed...
ALS : Huntington Library Enclos’d is a second Bill for £19 7 s. 1½ d. Sterling. The first I sent...
MS Account Book: American Philosophical Society This little book contains in eight pages headed...