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Results 301-330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I wrote to you from Bedford the 1 st inst. to which I refer you if you have made a list of the...
Letter not found. 11 October 1801. Acknowledged in JM to Monroe, 24 Oct. 1801 . Encloses letter...
30317th. (Adams Papers)
This day, the Bridge over Charlestown Ferry was compleated, and as the same day 11 years agone,...
304[Diary entry: 13 June 1797] (Washington Papers)
13. Very Warm with a brisk Southerly wind—a slight Shower of Rain. Mercury 83.
Je viens de recevoir l’honneur de votre lettre du 7me courant, et j’ai celui de vous informer que...
306[Diary entry: 30 March 1791] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 30th. The parties to whom I addressed myself yesterday evening, having taken the matter...
The commanding officers are applying for arms for the Musick—The donation of Arms to the Troops...
In the absence of the Collector I have the honour to inform you, that I have this day laden on...
I had the Honor of addressing you on the 21st. ulto infor ming you of my arrival here, a...
310[Diary entry: 3 February 1773] (Washington Papers)
3. Ground very hard froze which thawd but little being Cloudy & like for falling weather all...
I did not receive your favor of Sepr. 2d. the only one yet come to hand, till yesterday. The...
In return for the honor you did me by the Communication in your favour of the 15 th Jan y ,...
Your favor of the 5th instant came duly to hand. Mr Blagdens last call for $1000 is, I must...
I laid before the General Assembly of Virginia the letter which I had the honor to receive from...
Ensign Crawford has referred a dispute to me concerning his rank in the Army. I must determine in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay eu Lhonneur de vous Ecrire le 26 fevrier Dernier quil...
Having been requested to relate all that I know of General Greene’s connection with the late John...
L : Harvard University Library We per this post have had the pleasing satisfaction to be honoured...
I have received your favour of the 29th. with the Papers enclosed therewith and should have...
The inclosed papers are referred to us by Congress, and we wish for the assistance of your Ideas...
As the experiment of grinding a hundred bushels of Wheat into flour, is found more profitable...
The state of our finances continues to fulfill our expectations. eleven millions & an half of...
323[Diary entry: 28 February 1770] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear and pleasant with but little Wind & that Southwardly.
I have the honor to lay before you a copy of the act of the Legislature of Kentuckey, this day...
I Have Been Honoured with Your favour By Mr̃ Joy to Whom I Will Readily Render Every Service in...
I had the pleasure of writing your Excellency, the 12th Inst., which missing the post, was...
I received last night your favour of the 8th Instant. I hope General Clinton is now moving by the...
I can but love & thank you, and I do it sincerely, for your polite & friendly letter of the 11th...
The occasion which led to your favor of this morning merits all our congratulations, and I...
I wrote You on the 22nd & 23rd. I now set myself down to trouble You once More. As neither Cols....