Enclosure II: Account with John Funk, 24–26 July 1758
Enclosure II
Account with John Funk
July 24[–26]th 1758
Colo. Georg Washington Dr to John Funk | £ S.d. |
To 13½ Galls. of Wine @ 10/ | 6.15.0 |
To 3½ pts of Brandy @ 1/3 | 0. 4.4½ |
To 13 Galls. Bear @ 1/3 | 0.16.3 |
To 8 Qts Cyder Royl @ 1/6 | 0.12.0 |
To Punch | 0. 3.9 |
£8.11.4½ |
Fort Loudoun July 26th 1758
Receivd of Leut. Chs Smith the Above Accot in the Behalf of Colo. George Washington
DS, DLC:GW. The document seems to be in the hand of Charles Smith.
John Funk owned property in Winchester and operated a tavern there.