James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Stephen Pleasonton, 18 April 1826

To Stephen Pleasonton

Montpellier Apl. 18. 1826

Dear Sir

I have recd. your letter of the 12th. with a printed Copy of the “Report” on the claim of Mr. Monroe. No one acquainted with his great personal worth, and who reflects on his long and distinguished devotion to the service & welfare of his Country, but must feel a particular interest in the result of the Report. With my thanks for the communication, you will please to accept the expression of my esteem and my good wishes

James Madison

RC (owned by A. Peter Low, New York, N.Y., 2010); draft (DLC). RC franked and addressed by JM to “Samuel” Pleasonton at Washington; postmarked at Orange Court House, Virginia, 21 Apr.

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