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In a Conference with ^ some of ^ the Delegates of New Hampshire and Massachusets Bay it was agreed that I sh d . draw the Draft of a Bill for carrying into ^ Effect ^ the Resolutions of Congress relative to our Disputes with Vermont & with each other. I now enclos The enclosed Draft is of has been perused and approved ^ of ^ by them, and they have promised to transmit a Copy of it to their...
[ Williamsburg ] 12 Nov. 1779. In compliance with the requisition of 30 Oct. for the purchase of clothing for the Cherokee Indians, all the articles mentioned in Maj. Martin’s list that were to be had were secured, but for want of money the goods are being held until payment for them can be made. Before the treasury is replenished the goods may be sold. Every effort has been made to secure the...
I have your Excellencys favour of this morning, and am to acquaint you, that on my coming here last Thursday, I found in different places at this post, 94 Hogsheads of Clothing. My Instructions on my leaving Mr Mease were, to forward all stores on to philada I thought necessary, that I might meet on the road or find h⟨ere⟩. On Examing these, I found 85 packages were Appropriated to particular...
I should not have given you the trouble of receiving a letter from me at this time, but for the purpose of explaining a mistake which in a degree implicates you. Two or three days ago a person (whose name I did not ask) called upon me to pay me, at the request he said of Colo. Shreve, £100 on account of the Land he had purchased of me. I told him I would not receive money from that Gentleman...
The Answer of James Madison of Orange County Virginia, to the Bill of Complaint of Charles Edmonston against him & others, in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, on the Chancery Side. This Respondent, now and at all times, reserving to himself all & all manner of right, advantage, & benefit of plea, demurrer or exception to the errors, inaccuracies &...
I have just had the Honor to receive your’s of this day’s Date, & shall continue in the most perfect readiness, the Detachment designed for your Aid if Occasion should require it—I will further confer with the Brigadier Generals & Engineers, on the Probability of the Fire Rafts answering the Purpose of a floating Bridge, It is my own, as well as Genl Clinton’s Opinion that they will, and it...
3007Cash Accounts, July 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra July 1— By Cash advanc’d Jno. Askew £ 7.0.0 15— By Ditto Lusk of Alexandria for Blocks 0.6.0 17— By Ditto sent Christopher Hardwick by Vale Crawford 30.0.0 30— By Ditto at Cards 2/6 0.2.6 AD , General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 98
3008General Orders, 8 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Reading. For duty the third Massachusetts Regiment. At the general court martial of which Colonel Michael Jackson is president—Ensign Ricker Sedam of the 1st Jersey regiment charged with seizing a cow belonging to the husband of Catherine Leggett under pretence of its being designed for the enemy, and afterwards carrying the same Cow below the Lines and selling her...
If posting the army in a position similar to that I advised in my last letter, be to form a winters campaign, the measure in my opinion is not only adviseable, but absolutely necessary, as the more I think on the subject the more I am convinced that retiring into winter quarters and leaving the country uncovered will be followed with the ruin of our friends, give ease and plenty to our...
Mess True & Parker Reptivs Fayette County Mr Bomar Senator from Woodford. Benj. Mills lives at the same place Paris—& Says what any good mans acquaintance would Say. George Walker personal & would not object to the other. Thomas Montgome[r]y, a proof of this being a party question as well as many others. Hubbard Taylor. Ve[r]y good man & influential in his part &c. but will make no bustle. He...