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In a Conference with ^ some of ^ the Delegates of New Hampshire and Massachusets Bay it was agreed that I sh d . draw the Draft of a Bill for carrying into ^ Effect ^ the Resolutions of Congress relative to our Disputes with Vermont & with each other. I now enclos The enclosed Draft is of has been perused and approved ^ of ^ by them, and they have promised to transmit a Copy of it to their...
[ Williamsburg ] 12 Nov. 1779. In compliance with the requisition of 30 Oct. for the purchase of clothing for the Cherokee Indians, all the articles mentioned in Maj. Martin’s list that were to be had were secured, but for want of money the goods are being held until payment for them can be made. Before the treasury is replenished the goods may be sold. Every effort has been made to secure the...
I have your Excellencys favour of this morning, and am to acquaint you, that on my coming here last Thursday, I found in different places at this post, 94 Hogsheads of Clothing. My Instructions on my leaving Mr Mease were, to forward all stores on to philada I thought necessary, that I might meet on the road or find h⟨ere⟩. On Examing these, I found 85 packages were Appropriated to particular...
I should not have given you the trouble of receiving a letter from me at this time, but for the purpose of explaining a mistake which in a degree implicates you. Two or three days ago a person (whose name I did not ask) called upon me to pay me, at the request he said of Colo. Shreve, £100 on account of the Land he had purchased of me. I told him I would not receive money from that Gentleman...
The Answer of James Madison of Orange County Virginia, to the Bill of Complaint of Charles Edmonston against him & others, in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, on the Chancery Side. This Respondent, now and at all times, reserving to himself all & all manner of right, advantage, & benefit of plea, demurrer or exception to the errors, inaccuracies &...
I have just had the Honor to receive your’s of this day’s Date, & shall continue in the most perfect readiness, the Detachment designed for your Aid if Occasion should require it—I will further confer with the Brigadier Generals & Engineers, on the Probability of the Fire Rafts answering the Purpose of a floating Bridge, It is my own, as well as Genl Clinton’s Opinion that they will, and it...
3007Cash Accounts, July 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra July 1— By Cash advanc’d Jno. Askew £ 7.0.0 15— By Ditto Lusk of Alexandria for Blocks 0.6.0 17— By Ditto sent Christopher Hardwick by Vale Crawford 30.0.0 30— By Ditto at Cards 2/6 0.2.6 AD , General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 98
3008General Orders, 8 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Reading. For duty the third Massachusetts Regiment. At the general court martial of which Colonel Michael Jackson is president—Ensign Ricker Sedam of the 1st Jersey regiment charged with seizing a cow belonging to the husband of Catherine Leggett under pretence of its being designed for the enemy, and afterwards carrying the same Cow below the Lines and selling her...
If posting the army in a position similar to that I advised in my last letter, be to form a winters campaign, the measure in my opinion is not only adviseable, but absolutely necessary, as the more I think on the subject the more I am convinced that retiring into winter quarters and leaving the country uncovered will be followed with the ruin of our friends, give ease and plenty to our...
Mess True & Parker Reptivs Fayette County Mr Bomar Senator from Woodford. Benj. Mills lives at the same place Paris—& Says what any good mans acquaintance would Say. George Walker personal & would not object to the other. Thomas Montgome[r]y, a proof of this being a party question as well as many others. Hubbard Taylor. Ve[r]y good man & influential in his part &c. but will make no bustle. He...
I take up my pen merely because I have not written to you since my arrival here, and simply to inform you I am well. I shall be happy to hear the same from you; and hope this day’s post may bring me that information, or that Fontrees’s waggon will do it which I expect will arrive tomorrow or next day. we are selling off all our vessels except the 13. frigates established by law; bringing 7 of...
I am now much more at my disposal, with respect to my Time, than I was at Haverhill, and can devote more of it to writing, though, it is said, this Quarter, that is, the last of the Junior Sophister year, is most important, and busy, than any other in the four years. Mr: Williams’s Lectures on natural Philosophy, render it so; his Course consists of 24 Lectures, 13 of which we have already...
3013[Diary entry: 13 August 1785] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 13th. Thermometer at 80 in the Morng.—84 at Noon and 86 at Night. Rid to my Muddy hole and Neck Plantations, and beheld Corn in a melancholy situation, fired in most places to the Ear with little appearance of yielding if rain should soon come & a certainty of making nothing if it did not. Attempts had been made at both these Plantations to sow Wheat, but stirring the ground in the...
I this moment received from Mr Thomas Crafts the Letter you have Inclosed, from which It will appear, that some of the people who came out of Boston were Infected with the small pox—As this disorder should It spread may prove very disastrous & fatal to our army & the Country around it, I should hope that you will have such necessary steps taken as will prevent the infection’s being further...
Your favor has been duly recieved, inclosing my account current of Feb. 28. balance in my favor ƒ3116–18s. since which I have Mr. Short’s acknolegement of the receipt of Ruston’s bill of Exchange on Paisley for £40. sterling, which he said he would immediately remit to you to receive the money and carry it to my credit. From this is to be deducted my order on you in favour of the Treasury of...
Copy: Library of Congress I have received your Favor respecting the Pump at aldgate. I have since (two Days Ago) recd. Letters from Congress assuring me that no further Bills shall be drawn upon me. These Dispatches have given me so much Business that I am obliged to desire Mr. Carm to write you the News, and to assure you without further additions to this Letter that I am most sincerely, Your...
A letter from Major Toussard of the 19 instant has the following paragraph “The commissioners at Fort Wolcott and Fort Adams have received by the last mail the copy of your general Order, transmitted to them from Boston by Major Jackson which lessens the allowance fixed by the regulation to be observed in the delivery & Distribution of fuel and Straw to the Garrisons on the Sea Coast. The...
Sandwich, 4 October 1772. RC ( MiU-C ); addressed to John Adams in Boston; endorsed. Freeman notifies Adams that he is appealing a case to the Superior Court and urges Adams, who has been his attorney, not to “take up against me.” Adams’ one-sentence reply that he is “ready to engage for him” is on the verso. RC ( MiU-C ).
About two Months ago I received your very valuable present of Books, mentioned in the last letter I had the pleasure to receive from you, for which I am greatly obliged to you. M. Cassini has sent me a Copy of the Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Paris in the Year 1786. I am at a loss to direct to him, will it be convenient for you to return my sincere thanks to him for this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettés, Monsieur, que la Personne du monde qui vous est le plus attachée vous dise combien elle partage la satisfaction que vous eprouvés dans ce moment cy. J’aurois bien desirés me joindre à mes parents pour vous faire mon compliment. Recevés le Monsieur et mes regrets de ne pouvoir Vous reiterrer moy même les sentimens que je vous ay voué pour toujours...
I had the honor to receive your letter of the 18th. instant, inclosing the Petition of Henry B. Spencer. I have submitted the Petition to Judge Tallmadge, before whom Spencer was tried; and we have concurred in the Report which I now inclose. As you require my opinion on the question whether a pardon ought to be granted, I will add, that if a pardon should not now issue, I should think that it...
I thank you for forwarding Mr Campbells letter; & whenever I shall have the pleasure of seeing you (for I would not put you to the trouble of calling for that purpose only) I will converse with you upon the subject of it. I confess, in the meantime, that I do not see upon what ground the application is made, to me. I can hardly suppose, Congress will disband the Troops now in Service, and...
The subject of your letter of May 20. has attracted more notice certainly than it merited. that the opern to which it refers, was painful to a certain degree I admit, but it was shor-tlived, and there would have ended as to myself. my age and the state of my health at that time gave an alarm to my family which I neither felt nor expressed. what may have been said in newspapers I know not,...
Sometime during the first week in September, Jefferson suffered an incapacitating illness of six days—perhaps one of his violent periodic headaches that seemed so often to be preceded or followed by bursts of intellectual activity. It was about this time that he was also seized by an idea that exerted a compelling influence over him for the remainder of his life. This was the belief that “ the...
Philadelphia, 10 Oct. 1780. Enclosing a resolve of Congress of 7 Oct. “appointing Commissioners to endorse the new Bills of Credit to be issued by Virginia, and Letters to the Gentlemen informing them of their Appointment.” A postscript acknowledges TJ’s letters of 27 Sep. and 3 Oct. RC ( Vi ); 2 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Huntington; endorsed. Enclosures: 2 copies ( Vi ) attested by...
Printed in The London Chronicle , December 3–6, 1768 In a Letter of mine, which you inserted in your Paper of Nov. 3, was contained a view of the state of our commerce with the American continent colonies. I now send you a view of our commerce with the West India or Sugar Islands, taken, as the former was, from the Custom House accounts. When your Readers have compared and considered these...
Yours of the 12th. Instant I have just reced & am glad to find your Sentiments coinside with mine respecting the deposit of Bank Stock. I will immediately subscribe two thousand dollars for Mr Church. By the very next oppo. I will send a Sketch of the Acct between us. I am with respect    Sir    Your most Obdt Servt LC , Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Letter not found.
Since the receipt of your Excellency’s favours of the 3d & 5th instant acknowledg’d in my letter of the 13th I am honour’d with yours of the 14th 18th & 20th instant. Your Excellency will receive herewith enclos’d a Letter from Doctr J. Morgan of the 22d instant together with an Act of Congress of the 24th instant ordering the aforementioned Letter from Doctor Morgan to be transmitted to the...
I propose to send a duplicate of McGillivrays letter to Seagrove, and conform his instructions thereto. I submit you a motions of Colo. Guns. The division to day was 15 for inserting the additional regiments to 13 against it. Colo. Burr, voted for it under some restrictions. The bill is recommitted to Mr Elsworth Mr Read[,] Hawkins, Mr Burr, and Mr Gun. The object of the amendment is not...
The decision of the Court-Martial on Monday last, I never have agreed to, on account of a partiality which existed on the trial of the officer we had in charge I am informed by the Judge advocate, that the whole testimony will be sent to you, for your approbation, on the perusal of the papers you will have before you, you will be able to determine whether my knowledge of this trial has is...
Packet, No. 1. which is enclosed contains the last dispatches from General Wayne. The private letter included therein, is a duplicate of one not yet come to hand, which it would seem contains the papers to which it refers. Packet, No. 2. The last letters from Tennessee. Packet, No. 3. The proceedings of a Court Martial on a soldier who attempted to desert. With the greatest respect I have the...
I nominate John Jay Esqr. Govenor of the State of New York to be Chief Justice of the United States in the place of Oliver Elsworth who has resigned that office DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
L’instrucçion que je recois de Colonel Biddle est souffisente pour placer commodement La Cavalerie dans les Quartiers il y a une chose à ajouter qu’il faut qu on nous forme à Trenton un Magasin souffisent pour que La Cavalerie puisse subsisster etant rassemblé pour Lé Gnrl exerçise aumoins pendent 15 Jours. Lé comendement des Lençeurs puisque Votre Excelence juge a propos je remetrais au...
In my letter of the 15th I acknowledged the receipt of yours of the 11th; since which your dispatches of the 16th are come to hand, and convey but a gloomy prospect of peace with the Indians, in either hemisphere; but shew the necessity of preparing more vigorously if possible for the dernier resort. That the Western Indians are stimulated to acts of hostility on one side, and every mean which...
Your’s of the 7 th inst. has been duly recieved, with the pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. nothing can be more exactly & seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish religion before his principles were departed from by those who professed to be his special servants, & perverted into an engine for...
I did myself the Honor to write to your Excely the 16th ulto which for want of Conveyance lyes here Still, as our Continental Post is not well regulated this Length yet. It is hardly worth troubling you with any Report of our Battalion, as I have heard from very few of our Recruiting officers. & we have only between 20. & 30 Men of them in Town. but the Transactions here since that Time may...
Your Letter dated the 15th of January (which I presume must be a mistake, as the bearer says he left your House the day before yesterday) came to my hands last Night. I thank you for your kind congratulation on my return to private life, which is highly pleasing to me. Your Son George went down with me the 11th of this Month to Fredericksburgh, where I left him. In a day or two after, he...
3038[Diary entry: 6 May 1798] (Washington Papers)
6. Morning—perfectly clear with a light breeze from the Westward—Mer. 62. High wind from No. West afterwards—Mer. 67 thro’ the day. A Mr. Tayler & a Mr. Crips—introduced by Mr. Potts dined here as did Mr. T. Peter & Mr. Lear. All except Mr. Peter went away after dinner.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Les hommes ordinaires font parade de Richesse de leur memoire, Il ÿ en à, qui sont assez heureux de n’etre point attachés aux metaux, qu’ils combattent, qu’ils reduisent l’amour-propre, à l’obeisence de l’amour -pour la verité, Ils parviendront à la Clarté parfaite, pour connoitre les talents, les richesses des amms de leurs samblables, que le tout pouisant...
I wrote to your Mama, yesterday, my dear Catharine, intending to have written by the same post to yourself. an interruption however put it out of my power. it was the more necessary to have done it, as I had inadvertently made an acknolegement in my letter to her, instead of yourself, of yours of the 16th . I recieve with sincere pleasure this evidence of your recollection, and assure you I...
An apology is due for the delay of an answer to your favour of the 19 th inst. (post marked 23 d ) covering ten Dollars, which was rec d on the 26 th — The new American Edition of Sinclair’s code is not yet, we believe, published. At all events, we have not rec d any information of its appearance. As soon as it appears, it shall be forwarded. Baxter ’s history cannot be procured.
§ To Albert Gallatin. 17 January 1806, Department of State. “Should the additional Clerk hire enserted in the estimate of this Department be granted, there will be a sufficient number of persons to expedite the land-patents, taking into view the probable increase of the number, at least in the current year. I am however informed, that even at present, a weeks leasure, which will probably...
When will Congress probably adjourn? Will any thing be settled as to a certain Election? Will my presence be requisite as to this or any other purpose and when? I observe more and more that by the jealousy and envy of some, the miserlyness of others and the concurring influence of all foreign powers , America, if she attains to greatness, must creep to it. Well be it so. Slow and sure is no...
I have the Honour to acquaint your Excellency; by order of the Q.M. Genl that there has been no loss of the New Boats. Those mounted on Carriages were not taken in the Act. With the greatest Respect & Esteem I have the Honour to be your Excellency’s most Obedient NHi : Hugh Hughes Papers.
I received your favour of the 25 of December and sincerely congratulate with you on the close of your arduous administration and the meas sibi confeia reiti which you must needs carry with you into retirement. This is the sweet reward of the good man and the true patriot, and that of which neither envy, malice nor faction can ever rob him. I was going to say that from the insidious designs of...
The legislature of the State of North Carolina have, by their resolution of the 24th. Instant, committed to me the agreeable duty of transmitting to you the inclosed address; and it gives me great pleasure to assure you that it contains a deliberate and explicit declaration of their sentiments upon the measures which have been taken by the Federal Government with respect to our foreign...
L : Bibliothèque municipale, Mantes Messrs: Franklin and Deane, present their respectful Compliments to the Duc de la Rochefoucauld, and shall be happy in the honour of his Company, tomorrow at Breakfast. 8. O Clock will not be the least inconvenient. In WTF ’s hand. The Duke was by now an old friend of BF .
I send you the model of the mouldboard of a plough of a form of my own, and ask the favor of you to cast me two dozen in iron. I presume you will preserve the mould, as I shall probably call annually for a supply. I will thank you to have them ready as soon a s you can, and I will direct them to be called for. they had better be tied together in manageable bundles by bits of nailrod passing...
24 March 1801, Madrid. No. 269. Believes recent royal order stipulating that “every recaptured vessel should remain in totality to the profit of the Recaptors” has been revoked “in consequence of my Protest.” Conveys correspondence with Spanish government concerning South Carolina . Council of war has not yet tried the case. Reports king’s renewed confidence in his adviser, the “Prince of...
AD : Library of Congress When the Treaty of Alliance with France arrived in America Congress feeling the most lively Sentiments of Gratitude towards France, thought how they might manifest the Satisfaction of the Continent by some public Act. The finest Frigate in the Service was on the stocks ready to be Launched and it was Resolved to call her the Alliance. M. Landais a french subject who...