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Results 3001-3050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In a Conference with ^ some of ^ the Delegates of New Hampshire and Massachusets Bay it was...
[ Williamsburg ] 12 Nov. 1779. In compliance with the requisition of 30 Oct. for the purchase of...
I have your Excellencys favour of this morning, and am to acquaint you, that on my coming here...
I should not have given you the trouble of receiving a letter from me at this time, but for the...
The Answer of James Madison of Orange County Virginia, to the Bill of Complaint of Charles...
I have just had the Honor to receive your’s of this day’s Date, & shall continue in the most...
3007Cash Accounts, July 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra July 1— By Cash advanc’d Jno. Askew £ 7.0.0 15— By Ditto Lusk of Alexandria for Blocks...
3008General Orders, 8 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Reading. For duty the third Massachusetts Regiment. At the general...
If posting the army in a position similar to that I advised in my last letter, be to form a...
Mess True & Parker Reptivs Fayette County Mr Bomar Senator from Woodford. Benj. Mills lives at...
I take up my pen merely because I have not written to you since my arrival here, and simply to...
I am now much more at my disposal, with respect to my Time, than I was at Haverhill, and can...
3013[Diary entry: 13 August 1785] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 13th. Thermometer at 80 in the Morng.—84 at Noon and 86 at Night. Rid to my Muddy hole...
I this moment received from Mr Thomas Crafts the Letter you have Inclosed, from which It will...
Your favor has been duly recieved, inclosing my account current of Feb. 28. balance in my favor...
Copy: Library of Congress I have received your Favor respecting the Pump at aldgate. I have since...
A letter from Major Toussard of the 19 instant has the following paragraph “The commissioners at...
Sandwich, 4 October 1772. RC ( MiU-C ); addressed to John Adams in Boston; endorsed. Freeman...
About two Months ago I received your very valuable present of Books, mentioned in the last letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettés, Monsieur, que la Personne du monde qui vous est...
I had the honor to receive your letter of the 18th. instant, inclosing the Petition of Henry B....
I thank you for forwarding Mr Campbells letter; & whenever I shall have the pleasure of seeing...
The subject of your letter of May 20. has attracted more notice certainly than it merited. that...
Sometime during the first week in September, Jefferson suffered an incapacitating illness of six...
Philadelphia, 10 Oct. 1780. Enclosing a resolve of Congress of 7 Oct. “appointing Commissioners...
Printed in The London Chronicle , December 3–6, 1768 In a Letter of mine, which you inserted in...
Yours of the 12th. Instant I have just reced & am glad to find your Sentiments coinside with mine...
Since the receipt of your Excellency’s favours of the 3d & 5th instant acknowledg’d in my letter...
I propose to send a duplicate of McGillivrays letter to Seagrove, and conform his instructions...
The decision of the Court-Martial on Monday last, I never have agreed to, on account of a...
Packet, No. 1. which is enclosed contains the last dispatches from General Wayne. The private...
I nominate John Jay Esqr. Govenor of the State of New York to be Chief Justice of the United...
L’instrucçion que je recois de Colonel Biddle est souffisente pour placer commodement La...
In my letter of the 15th I acknowledged the receipt of yours of the 11th; since which your...
Your’s of the 7 th inst. has been duly recieved, with the pamphlet inclosed, for which I return...
I did myself the Honor to write to your Excely the 16th ulto which for want of Conveyance lyes...
Your Letter dated the 15th of January (which I presume must be a mistake, as the bearer says he...
3038[Diary entry: 6 May 1798] (Washington Papers)
6. Morning—perfectly clear with a light breeze from the Westward—Mer. 62. High wind from No. West...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Les hommes ordinaires font parade de Richesse de leur...
I wrote to your Mama, yesterday, my dear Catharine, intending to have written by the same post to...
An apology is due for the delay of an answer to your favour of the 19 th inst. (post marked 23 d...
§ To Albert Gallatin. 17 January 1806, Department of State. “Should the additional Clerk hire...
When will Congress probably adjourn? Will any thing be settled as to a certain Election? Will my...
I have the Honour to acquaint your Excellency; by order of the Q.M. Genl that there has been no...
I received your favour of the 25 of December and sincerely congratulate with you on the close of...
The legislature of the State of North Carolina have, by their resolution of the 24th. Instant,...
L : Bibliothèque municipale, Mantes Messrs: Franklin and Deane, present their respectful...
I send you the model of the mouldboard of a plough of a form of my own, and ask the favor of you...
24 March 1801, Madrid. No. 269. Believes recent royal order stipulating that “every recaptured...
AD : Library of Congress When the Treaty of Alliance with France arrived in America Congress...