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Results 3001-3010 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
John Adams Esqr. To John Stille Dr. 1775 June 24th.  To makeing Suit of Nankeen 0: 6: 0  3 3/4 Y ard s of Linnen @ 3/6 0: 13: 1 1/2  Buttons 0: 2: 7  Thread 1/6 Silk 3/ hair 2/ Buckram /3 Staying 1/6 0:
Although we are but a handful, compared with the aggregate body of the citizens of the United States, at whose head, as Chief Magistrate you deservedly stand—although we inhabit a Village of inconsiderable consequence, compared with the numerous towns and cities, which chequer the face of the Country, over whose rights and interests you have been chosen to preside, yet feelingly impressed with...
Letters from Cadiz inform us of the arrival of a Vessel at that port from Baltimore she left the Bay the 16 february. The Capt. reports more than we can well Credit, that Arnold had made great distruction in the circuit he had taken which had rouzed the Virginians that a Body of Six Thousand Men had got betwixt him and his Shiping and they were in dayly expectation of his being Burgoign’d. The...
I recieved in due time your two favors of Dec. 2. & Feb. 10. and have to acknolege for the ladies of my native state their obligations to you for the encomiums which you are so kind as to bestow on them. they certainly claim no advantages over those of their sister states, and are sensible of more favorable circumstances existing with many of them, & happily availed of, which our situation...
This letter together with a packet for Congress, will be delivered to you by Mr: Stephen Sayer who sets off from hence tomorrow for Amsterdam. He knows nothing from me about my business or affairs. Indeed I have had but little acquaintance with him, less than I shou’d have had, had he not been unfortunately confined by sickness almost the whole time I have been here. The account he will be...
I Received your last and am to Acknowledge that the Contents of it gave me great pleasure. I have for some time thought it necessary that the People should strike some Bold stroke and Try the Issue. They have long enough Submitted to Oppressions and Insults following one another in A rapid Succession without finding any Advantage. They have now Indeed passed the River and left no retreat and...
Your much esteem’d favór of 7 th Ins t with which I am Honour’d was receiv’d Yesterday & am very sorry that you have cause to be anxious about your Son John Quincy Adams.— I will write next post to Hamburg, Copenhagen & Gottenburg & endeavour to Learn something of him & which I hope to give you a pleasing Account of per return of the Northern Post.— I am much oblidg’d by your Intention to send...
Vos desirs serons toujours des ordres pour moi. Vous verrez que je m’y suis conformé dans le N o. que j’e vous fais passer. J’espere pouvoir faire insérer le reste dans les deux suivans: vous m’obligeriez de me communiques ce que vous pensez de la traduction, si elle est exacte & fidele, vous ne verrez pas non plus sans interêt les détails & anecdotes que j’ai ôsé publier sur notre...
I was duly favored, sometime since, with thy kind notice of my late publications, for which I thank thee, and was also much gratified with thy remarks on recent political counts in this State. Fortunately I have delayed this reply until now, when I pray thee to accept my very hearty congratulations on the Election of thy Son to the Presidency of the United States. This must be highly...
I am honored with your esteemed Letter of the 5 th March last, and congratulate You on your appointment to that Court, where it was so much for the interest of these States to have a Minister— In my last letters of the 11 th & 19 th April, I attempted to give You some account of the Spirit of the People in this part of the Continent, on account of the unequal trade between the U States and G...