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Results 3001-3030 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3001 Washington, George Stewart, Robert From George Washington to Robert Stewart, 22 July 1758 … 1758-07-22 Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 22 July 1758. On 23 July Stewart wrote to GW : “Your favour...
3002 Stewart, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Stewart, 23 July 1758 1758-07-23 Your favour of yesterday’s Evening was handed me this morning before Reville Beating—In answer I...
3003 Funk, John Enclosure II: Account with John Funk, 24–26 July 1758 1758-07-24 Colo. Georg Washington Dr to John Funk £  S.d.  To 13½ Galls. of Wine @ 10/ 6.15.0  To 3½ pts of...
3004 Heth, Henry Enclosure III: Account with Henry Heth, 24–26 July 1758 1758-07-24 George Washington Esqr. Commander of the First Virginia Regiament Dr To 40 Gallons of Rum Punch @...
3005 Chinowitz (Chenoweth), Samuel Enclosure I: Account with Henry Brinker, 24–25 July … 1758-07-24 Corl George Washington Dr To Henry Brinker one the Acct of the Election. To Thirtey Galls. of...
3006 Washington, George Bouquet, Henry From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 24 July 1758 1758-07-24 The Inclosd came to my hands a few hours after I dispatchd my last by Mr Frazer. I did not know...
3007 Bosomworth, Abraham Washington, George To George Washington from Abraham Bosomworth, 24 July … 1758-07-24 I recd your favor & am sorry to tell you that we have been repulsed at Fort Carillon, we lost...
3008 Bouquet, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Bouquet, 24 July 1758 1758-07-24 I received the favour of your two very obliging Letters of the 19th & 21st Instt. I am very glad...
3009 Jones, Gabriel Washington, George To George Washington from Gabriel Jones, 24 July 1758 1758-07-24 Permit me just as I am going off to wish you joy of yr Election & tell you that I am very...
3010 McNeill, John Washington, George To George Washington from John McNeill, 24 July 1758 1758-07-24 I have the infinite pleasure to Let you know that you exceeded all the Candidates here and...
3011 Smith, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Smith, 24 July 1758 1758-07-24 I have the Happiness to Inform You Your Friends have been Very Sincere so that were Carried by a...
3012 Walker, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Walker, 24 July 1758 1758-07-24 I have the Pleasure of congratulating you on being Elected by a great majority of the freholders...
3013 Wodrow, Alexander Enclosure IV: Account with Alexander Wodrow, 24 July … 1758-07-24 Dr Colo. George Washington By order of Lieut. Chas Smith To Alexr Wodrow For 1 hhd & 1 Barrell of...
3014 Enclosure V: Frederick County Poll Sheet, 1758, 24 July … 1758-07-24 Colo. T. B. Martin Colo. G. Washington Thos Swearingen Hugh West Lord Thos Fairfax Fairfax Revd...
3015 Hite, John Enclosure: Account with John Hite, 24 July 1758 1758-07-24 George Washington Esqr. Colo. of the First Virginia Regiam’t Dr [£  s. d.] To 3. Gallons and 3...
3016 Norris, Isaac Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac Norris, 25 July 1758 1758-07-25 Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania If I Could hear the News by this Days post, I...
3017 Whalley, Eyre Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Eyre Whalley, 25 July 1758 1758-07-25 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania In July 1758 Franklin, accompanied by his son William,...
3018 Washington, George Bouquet, Henry From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 25 July 1758 1758-07-25 I wrote you by Colo. Stephen, since which I have been favourd with your kind and agreable Letter...
3019 Carlyle, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Carlyle, 25 July 1758 1758-07-25 I Reced yours ⅌ Dr Craike with 75£ which Shall Immediatly Lay out In A bill & remite as Directed...
3020 Dick, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Dick, 25 July 1758 1758-07-25 I heartily wish you joy on your Election and hope you will soon return crownd wt. Laurells to...
3021 Fairfax, George William Washington, George To George Washington from George William Fairfax, 25 … 1758-07-25 Since my Arrival I have been much indisposed, and am now troubeld with slow Fevers every day. But...
3022 Stewart, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Stewart, 25 July 1758 1758-07-25 From the bottom of a heart that overflows with Joy I beg leave to offer my Congratulations on...
3023 Chew, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Chew, 26 July 1758 1758-07-26 I have only time to forward you the inclosed Paper[.] I most sincerely Long to hear from you. May...
3024 Rutherford, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Rutherford, 26 July … 1758-07-26 The Punctual discharge of every trust, in you reposed—Your humane and Equitable treatment of each...
3025 Smith, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Smith, 26 July 1758 1758-07-26 I have this Day Discharged the Expences on acct of Ellection, as by the Ellection, as by the...
3026 Bouquet, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Bouquet, 27 July 1758 1758-07-27 I received the favour of your Letters of the 24th & 25th Inst. with the inclosed Papers. The...
3027 Mercer, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Mercer, 27 July 1758 1758-07-27 Colo. Bouquet has directed the Command to return to you, but desires Me to remain here till the...
3028 Stephen, Adam Washington, George To George Washington from Adam Stephen, 27 July 1758 1758-07-27 There is nothing new here—By last accounts the General was indisposd & had not left Carlisle, on...
3029 Washington, George Bouquet, Henry From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 28 July 1758 1758-07-28 Your favour of Yesterday I had the pleasure of receiving last Night. I detaind the Party till my...
3030 Washington, George Enclosure: Return of Tents, 28 July 1758 1758-07-28 A Return of Tents wanting to Compleat Five Companys of the 1st Virga Regt at Fort Cumberland July...