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Results 3001-3010 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 22 July 1758. On 23 July Stewart wrote to GW : “Your favour of yesterday’s Evening was handed me this morning.”
Your favour of yesterday’s Evening was handed me this morning before Reville Beating—In answer I beg leave to assure you that should that formidable Body of Indians attempt this place I will exert myself to the utmost in giving them a proper Reception. It was sometime after dark before the Junction of the little Partys that compose my small Command could be effected, then I did not loose a...
Colo. Georg Washington Dr to John Funk £  S.d.  To 13½ Galls. of Wine @ 10/ 6.15.0  To 3½ pts of Brandy @ 1/3 0. 4.4½  To 13 Galls. Bear @ 1/3 0.16.3  To 8 Qts Cyder Royl @ 1/6 0.12.0  To Punch 0. 3.9 £8.11.4½ Fort Loudoun July 26th 1758 Receivd of Leut. Chs Smith the Above Accot in the Behalf of Colo. George Washington DS , DLC:GW . The document seems to be in the hand of Charles Smith.
George Washington Esqr. Commander of the First Virginia Regiament Dr To 40 Gallons of Rum Punch @ 3/6 ⅌r Galn 7. 0.0 To 15 Gallons of Wine @ 10/0 ⅌r Galln 7.10.0 To Dinner for your Friends 3. 0.0 £17.10.0 Fort Loudoun July the 26th 1758 Receivd of Lieut. Charles Smith the above acc’t in Behalf of Colo. George Washington. DS , DLC:GW . The document seems to be in the hand of Charles Smith....
Corl George Washington Dr To Henry Brinker one the Acct of the Election. To Thirtey Galls. of Strong Beer at 8d. ⅌r Galln £01 Recd the above Acct of Lieut. Charles Smith one the Acct of Corl George Washington July the 25 1758 Test Robt Fox DS , DLC:GW . The document seems to be in the hand of Charles Smith. Henry Brinker (died c.1772) was an ordinary keeper in Winchester. This is a highly...
The Inclosd came to my hands a few hours after I dispatchd my last by Mr Frazer. I did not know but it might enable you to determine better, what shoud be done with the Waggons, and therefore send it. If we are to lye at this place any time, perhaps you may think it advisable to send the Waggons down for another Convoy. I shoud not choose to propose any thing that might seem officious: but...
I recd your favor & am sorry to tell you that we have been repulsed at Fort Carillon, we lost 1000 men & the brave Lord How fell the first fire they all landed at the bottom of the Lake without opposition the French Indians run away the first Fire, Major Rutherford & Captn Rutherford are in the list of the Slain, The Remains of Lord How are brought to Albany; we have taken a French Frigate...
I received the favour of your two very obliging Letters of the 19th & 21st Instt. I am very glad that your Presence was not absolutely necessary at Winchester, as I Suppose the General will Soon call upon you, he is this day at Fort Littleton, and I expect him here to morrow or Wednesday: I have Sent him the Reports I had from the Road over Lawrell Hill, which appear to be practicable, but...
Permit me just as I am going off to wish you joy of yr Election & tell you that I am very sincerely Dr Sir Yr most Obedt Servt ALS , DLC:GW .
I have the infinite pleasure to Let you know that you exceeded all the Candidates here and carry’d it over the highest 71 Votes Extrodinary. I am Sir your Most humble Servt P.S. Mr Martin is your Collegue ALS , DLC:GW . According to the Frederick County Poll Sheet, 1758 (see below), GW received 309 (not 310) votes to Thomas Bryan Martin’s 240, but Charles Smith gives GW’s total as 307 (see...