George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Richard Vernon, 20 July 1758

From Richard Vernon

Winchester July the 20th 1758

Honble Sir

I send you the Copy of three Letters Directed to Mr Walker that you may see the Necessety of sending down the Waggons againe for another Load which I hope will be Ready for them before theay Return,1 have sent you 130 Barrills of Indian Corn whch I begg you⟨ll⟩ Employ some Cearefull hand to take Ceare of. have orderd two Waggon Load of this and two more at South Branch to be ground into Meale and have orderd Beilor to give the Waggoners Each four Bushels for their Teames you may allso order them wht you shall think proper to Last them down2 the Horses must be well Kept or the Expedition is Ruined—if you are forbid by the Commanding officer at Rays Town to send the Waggons down here be Pleased to send me Immediate Notice that I may Ingage a Sufficent Number the Next Command. I am Sir Your most Obedient humle Sert

Richard Vernon

N.B. have Since The above was wrote Sent 185 Small Bags Corn Which is Aboute Seventy Two or Three bushells. R.V.

LS, British Museum: Add. MSS 21643 (Bouquet Papers). The postscript is in Vernon’s hand.

Richard Vernon of Frederick County was at this time acting as a contractor to acquire provisions for Dr. Thomas Walker, commissary for the Virginia regiments.

1Two letters from James Sinclair, both dated 17 July, may have been directed to Thomas Walker. Writing from Carlisle, Pa., to order “Six or Seven Waggon Loads of Bacon,” he urged his correspondent to “Hurry up the Cattle” and also to send to Fort Cumberland “a Great Quantity of Forrage” (Stevens, Bouquet Papers description begins Donald H. Kent et al., eds. The Papers of Henry Bouquet. 6 vols. Harrisburg, Pa., 1951-94. description ends , 2:227–28).

2For reference to the anticipated arrival of the second convoy of wagons, see GW to Bouquet, 25 July. Joseph and Christopher Beeler (Beilor) were both residents of Frederick County. Christopher Beeler voted for GW on 24 July.

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