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At a numerous meeting of the citizens of Caroline County on Tuesday the eleventh day of August 1795, being court day, for the purpose of taking into consideration the proposed treaty between the United States, and the king of great Britain, the following protestation and petition was unanimously agreed to. We the citizens of the County of Caroline in the state of Virginia, do protest against...
With the freedom of men who are sensible of their own rights; but with the sincere deference which true Republicans must ever pay to the constitution which themselves have framed, to the laws which themselves have authorized, and to the Chief Magistrate of their own choice; and with all that Reverence and Affection which Americans justly owe to the man who has most eminently distinguished...
The petition and remonstrance of the Citizens of the United States of America inhabitants of Cheraw district in the state of South Carolina. Respectfully Sheweth That your petitioners sincerely attached to the interest and welfare of their Country. have duly Considered the treaty of Amity Commerce & Navigation between the United States of America & Great Britain entered into at London on the...
The Petition and Remonstrance of the free Citizens of Clarke county (State of Kentucky) with deference, but with freedom and firmness, MANIFESTETH: That the late treaty concluded on at London with his Britannic majesty, by John Jay envoy extraordinary from the United States of America; is inimical to the rights, liberties, and dearest privileges of the citizens of the latter—in as much, as it...
Pursuant to public notice given; a number of Citizens convened at the Court House in order to take under consideration a treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between the united States and Great Britain, agreed on at London on the 19th day of November 1794 by John Jay and Lord Grenville. Colonel Jesse Sanders was unanimously, chosen Chareman and Edm. B. Jenkins Secry, and the Said treaty...
At a Numerous meeting of Sundry Inhabitants of Culpeper County at the Courthouse on the 20th day of August 1795 agreeable to a previous notice given to take into consideration the Treaty lately negociated by Mr John Jay with the King of Great Britain. It is the opinion of this meeting that it is a right of the Citizens of the united States, on occasions of moment to assemble and calmly...
This memorial and remonstrance respectfully declareth: That one of the most inestimable privileges that freemen enjoy is the right of investigating the proceedings of those whose duty it is to advance the public weal, and remove the causes which have a tendency to produce public and individual injury. Availing ourselves of this sacred right, we your memorialists, would respectfully submit a...
The Petition of the subscribers, Citizens of the United States, inhabitants of the District of Detroit, in the Territory of Michigan, respectfully sheweth. That your Petitioners are Generally farmers and heads of families. That on the commencement of the late war, with Great Britain, they were settled, upon the Waters of river Rouge. That they remained at their homes, except the time they were...
At a respectable meeting of the Landholders, & other citizens of Dorchester County, Eastern Shore of Maryland, on the 19th of Augt 1793, Col. John Eccleston in the chair, the following address to the President of the United States on his proclamation declaratory of neutrality, was brought in by a Committee appointed for that purpose & unanimously voted. Sir Impressed with a deep sense of the...
The citizens of Elizabeth desirous of evincing by every possible means the very great respect and affection which they entertain for your Excellency’s person and character, have directed that a cold collation be prepared for the refreshment of your Excellency & suite on your arrival here, of which we as a Committee of arrangement are requested to give the information. If your Excellency will...
At a numerous and respectable meeting of the Inhabitants of the County of Essex in the State of New Jersey, held at the Court House at Newark on the seventeenth day of August 1793—General Elias Dayton was chosen Chairman & Elisha Boudinot Esqr. Secretary. Resolved—one person only dissenting, That we regard the proclamation of the President; which announces the Neutrality of the United States...
While applauding millions were offering you their warmest congratulations on the blessings of Peace, and your safe return from the hazards of the Field, We The Mayor & Commonalty of the Corporation of Fredericksburg, were not wanting in Attachment and wishes to have joined in public testimonies of our Warmest gratitude & Affection, for your long and Meritorious Services in the Cause of...
Letter not found : from Fredericksburg, Va., citizens, c.20 June 1794. On 23 June, Edmund Randolph wrote Charles Carter, Charles Mortimer, and others of Fredericksburg that "Your letter to the President of the United States, on the subject of Mr Archibald Hunter, was put into my hands by him in order that I might take such measures as his case justified. I have therefore determined to forward...
The Committee appointed Yesterday at a meeting of the Citizens of this Town, to draft a set of Resolutions expressing their disapprobation of the Treaty of Amity Commerce, and navigation, proposed to be entered into between the United States and Great Britain, And also a respectfull address to the president of the United States, requesting he would withhold his Signature therefrom, This day...
20 Sept. 1795. Since numerous people in Virginia “have expressed their high displeasure” with the Jay Treaty, and “several tumultuous meetings” have taken place in Virginia and in other states “to intimidate” GW “in the exercise of your constitutional functions,” the citizens of Greenbrier County have sent this address to the president “upon so critical an occasion.” The letter continues with...
Hanover, Pa., 12 February 1777 . Request that no Continental soldiers be inoculated in their town “as Comparitively Verry fiew in Our Town has had that infectious Disorder and For the reasons as Follows. “1st It must be Verry Distressing to the Inhabitance at this Season of the Year When our Provisions Such as Fowls and Every other Nessesary Fit for that Disorder is already Exhausted by armies...
Solicitous for the continuance of that happiness, which so highly distinguishes our Country, and so essentially depends on the preservation of its Peace, Liberty & Sovereignty, We, the Inhabitants of the City of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, beg leave to express our grateful acknowlegements for your patriotic measures to protect those invaluable blessings. Among these we view with...
The Inhabitants of the Town of Haverhill address their most sincere Respects to the President of the United States & assure him, that they should esteem themselves highly honoured in his passing thro’ this Town in his Route to New York and of giving them an Opportunity of testifying to him the Respect due to so distinguished a Character. D , DLC:GW . For background to GW’s tour of the eastern...
The Memorial and Petition of the Citizens of the Indiana Territory, by their Representatives in general Convention assembled, Respectfully sheweth That your memorialists scattered over a remote and extensive Territory, have for a considerable time struggled with all those Difficulties and Dangers incident to a frontier Situation and a sparce population Unrepresented and almost unknown in the...
At a Meeting of about five hundred of the Citizens of Kent County held at Dover, on Wednesday the fourteenth Day of August, to take into Consideration the Proclamation of Neutrality issued by the President of the United States: Resolved unanimously, That the Citizens now convened do approve of the Proclamation of Neutrality issued by the President of the United States; and that, in their...
At a meeting of sundry Citizens of Kentuckey held at the Presbyterian meeting House in the Town of Lexington by adjournment the 7th day of September 1795. Rowland Thomas was appointed Clerk And John Campbell chairman. The committee appointed at the last meeting to prepare an address to the president of the United States, expressive of our sentiments on the Treaty proposed Between the United...
Free Nations are always in alliance, and are alike interested in affording mutual aid and assistance to each other. A common interest has already united the inhabitants of the American States to the interests of regenerated France. Their three-coloured flags are unfurled upon every sea, proclaiming that the free Americans and French are brethren. The name of Washington is as much revered here...
We the underwritten in behalf of ourselves and others, Inhabitants of the State and District afforesaid, situated on Cumberland River, beg leave to lay before Your Honorable and much esteemed body a true State of the numerous, Singular hardships, dangers and disadvantages, attending a Settlement which (tho of little Significance in its present State) will, we trust in a short period become a...
To GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States. The MEMORIAL and PETITION of the Convention of Mero District. WE, your memorialists being regularly chosen and fully authorised by the citizens of Mero, to represent the situation of our country, address you, sir, amidst dangers which threaten our total dissolution, without your aid. We omit to speak of the outrages this frontier has...
To the President of the United States of America. The Petition and Remonstrance of the Inhabitants of the County of Morris, in New Jersey, Sheweth— That Your Petitioners having maturely considered the treaty of Amity, navigation and commerce, proposed to be established between the United States and Great Britain, do humbly conceive the same is not founded on those principles of equal justice...
At a Meeting of a Number of respectable Inhabitants of the County of New Castle in the State of Delaware, Convened at the Borough of Wilmington on the 17th day of August 1793 pursuant to Publick Notice for that Purpose given, the following Resolutions were proposed and Adopted. First—Resolved that this Meeting, highly approve of the late Proclamation of the President of the United States,...
At a meeting of the Mayor Aldermen, Common council & Freemen of the City of New Haven warned according to the Constitution and convened at the State-House in said City on Monday the nineteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three. Samuel Bishop Esqr. Mayor of said City, Moderator. Resolved; That the late proclamation of the President of the United...
The Inhabitants of the City of New London presume with that frankness which becomes Citizens of a free Country to address you on the present important conjuncture of public Affairs. We readily acknowledge that the medling in political concerns by Bodies of people unorganized by Law for the purpose ought generally to be discountenanced by good Citizens; for although the Right of the people...
Named by a numerous meeting of the Citizens of New-Orleans in order to lay before you the expression of their Sentiments on the Subject of the insult lately offered to our flag in the Gulf of Mexico by a Spanish Squadron; we hasten to transmit to you the resolutions adopted in that meeting. You will perceive in them those Strong feelings, which, on Such an occasion, must animate the Hearts of...
§ From the Citizens of Newport. Ca. 18 June 1814. “The Inhabitants of the Town of Newport being convened to take into Consideration the present alarming situation of said Town owing to the formidable Armaments of the Enemy in their Neighbourhood, and being convinced from recent circumstances that the War is about to assume a more vindictive Character, deem it their duty to lay before the War...
At a Town Meeting held at the State House Friday August 14th 1795. at 11 O.Clock a.m. Voted. That, Paul Mumford, John L. Boss, Christopher Ellery, Henry Sherburne, Caleb Green, Thomas G. Pitman, Samuel Vernon 1st, Oliver R. Warner, Thomas Rumriell, Joseph Briggs and Edward Simmons, are appointed a Committee to Examine the Treaty now pending between Great Britain and the United States of...
At an Adjourned meeting of the Citizens of New York assembled in front of the Federal Hall at 12 OClock on Monday the 20th day of July 1795. Colonel William S. Smith in the Chair. The Chairman represented to the meeting that the Committee of fifteen Gentlemen nominated on saturday last, entertained doubts of the Regularity of their appointment, owing to the confusion which prevailed on that...
At a Meeting of the Citizens of New York, not exceeded in Number and respectability, on any former Occasion, Assembled on the 8th day of August Instant, in pursuance of Public Notice inserted in all the News Papers — Nicholas Cruger in the Chair — The following resolutions were seperately and Unanimously Adopted— Resolved, that the late proclamation of the President of the United States...
At a meeting of the inhabitants of the County of Norfolk, the Town of Portsmouth, and the Borough of Norfolk this fifth day of August 1795 held at the Court house of the said County, agreeable to notification. On motion, Colo. Thomas Newton was unanimously elected to the chair, and William Newsum secretary. On motion, a Committee of the following Gentlemen viz., Samuel Davis, Thomas Blanchard,...
At a respectable meeting of the Citizens of the Borough of Norfolk, convened at the Town Hall on the 31st of Augt agreeably to notification, for the purpose of taking under their consideration the late Proclamation of the President of the United States. Robert Taylor Esqr. Mayor was called to the Chair, & John Nivison Esqr. was appointed Secretary to the meeting. The proclamation being read,...
The petition of the undersigned citizens of the state of North Carolina, humbly sheweth: That at a circuit court held for the district of North Carolina on the 12th day of May 1810, Richard Kennon was indicted and convicted of passing a counterfeit Note of the Bank of the United States. Your petitioners beg leave to state to your excellency, that although the jury by whom the said Richard was...
We the Subscribers being well acquainted with John Witman junior of the Borough of Reading in the State of Pennsylvania recommend him to your Excellency as a man of Integrity whose Capacity activity and Attention to Business point him out as a fit Person to execute the Office of an Inspector of the Revenue for this District—He was formerly the Excise Officer for Berks County and is at present...
At a Meeting of a number of respectable Inhabitants of the Town of Petersburg and its Vicinity held at Mr Edwards’s Coffeehouse in the said Town, on Saturday the 31st of August 1793 pursuant to public Notice, for that purpose given, to take into Consideration the late proclamation of the President of the United States. The President’s proclamation being read on Motion made & seconded,...
At a numerous and respectable meeting of the Citizens of Petersburg and the adjacent Counties, at the Court-house in the town of Petersburg, on Saturday the first of August 1795, for the purpose of expressing their opinion of the late treaty of Amity, Commerce & Navigation, between his Britannic majesty, and the United States of America. Genl Jones was chosen Chairman, & Wm Whitlocke...
The Grand Inquest for the City of Philadelphia, with the highest deference and respect, present. That the general regret and indignation, excited by the circumstances of the late Insurrection, being succeeded by sentiments of pride and satisfaction, naturally impressed by the wise, humane, and effectual manner, in which the violated authority of the laws has been vindicated and restored, the...
The Memorial of the Citizens of Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties and District of Southwark, in the State of Pennsylvania, Respectfully sheweth. That your Memorilists, sincerely and affectionately attached to you, from a sense of the important services, which you have rendered to the United States, and a conviction of the purity of the motives, that will forever regulate your public...
We whose signatures are hereunto affixed, Citizens of the City and County of Philadelphia, beg leave respectfully to recommend John Conard Esqr, for the Office of Accountant of the War Department, become vacant by the death of Colo Lear. Mr Conard possesses in a high degree the Confidence and respect of the Democratic Party in this District; and in our Opinion is a man of the first...
§ From Citizens of Portland, District of Maine. 3 March 1814, Portland. “The undersigned citizens of Portland having received information of the decease of Silas Lee Esquire, late United States Attorney for the District of Maine; and considering it highly important that a gentleman of talents, and patriotism, should be early appointed to supply the vacancy, ask the liberty to recommend to your...
The subscribers, citizens of the town of Portland in the District of Maine, respectfully represent, That they have understood from unquestionable authority that Nathaniel F. Fosdick Esqr. late Collector of the United States for the District of Portland & Falmouth, has been removed from office:—that there has been such a mistake in the name of the person who was probably intended to be the...
We the subscribers Merchants and others Inhabitants of the town of Portsmouth in the State of New Hampshire would represent to the President of the United States. That in our opinion the Treaty lately concluded betwen the United States and Great Britain, as recommended to be ratified by the Senate, is advantageous to the commercial and other interests of our country, has on equal terms ensured...
Convinced of your inviolable attachment to the Interest & happiness of the States over which you preside & your readiness on all occasions to attend to every just complaint of the People—We the Citizens of Portsmouth constitutionally assembled in public Town meeting to signify our opinions relative to the Treaty between Great Britain & the United States of America consented to by a Majority of...
The citizens of Richmond respectfully beg leave to enclose a copy of their proceedings of their meeting of yesterday and this day and to give their reasons in support of the principles therein laid down. They deem the said Treaty to be insulting, Because— At a time when we were most grievously oppressed by the British Nation on the High Seas, contrary to all the rules of national law and...
Impress’d with a full conviction of the wisdom of your administration in general, and especially approving that system of conduct which you have adopted, and steadily observed towards the belligerent powers of Europe, we, the inhabitants of Richmond and its vicinity in the Commonwealth of Virginia, are happy in an opportunity of conveying to you these our genuine sentiments. When propitious...
Fully and deeply impressed with the wisdom, propriety and policy of the measure, which you have lately adopted in issuing your proclamation, wherein it is declared that the duty and interest of the united States require, that they should with sincerity, and good faith adopt and pursue a conduct, friendly and impartial towards the Belligerent powers therein mentioned; And Contemplating with...
This accompanies the proceedings of a very considerable number of the Citizens of the United States convened in the City of Savannah for the purpose of taking into consideration the impending Treaty of Amity Commerce and Navigation between his Britainnic Majesty and the United States of America expressive of their Sentiments thereon. To a People who feel for their Country and have its welfare...