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Immediately on my return from the mountains this fall, I seized the first opportunity to fulfill the promise I gave you, in endeavoring to obtain the documents desired & am sorry to say that owing to causes not within my controul, I have as yet been unsuccessful. Mr. Randolph is not only willing, that you should have any letters which you may wish in his possession, but expresses much...
2992[Diary entry: 2 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
2. Rid to the Harvest Field in the Neck & back to Dinner.
I thank you sincerely for the letter with which you have honoured me. I did not intend that the Dissertation of Playfair Should be returned, as I possessed another copy; but I am heartily glad, at all events, that I have been the means of contributing to your amusement. The Professor himself would attach no Small importance to the opinion which you have pronounced on his work, and I rejoice in...
I inclose you the message, and pray you to suggest, on a separate paper, such alterations as you shall think for the better either in the matter or style. I must ask the return of it this evening because mr Coles has to make 4. copies, & will have only two days to do it in. it comes to you thus late, as time was necessary for it to go through the hands of the other gentlemen. Affectte....
Treasury Department, March 25, 1794. “The enclosed is a Copy of a letter which has been received from the Surveyor of Beaufort in the District of New Bern. I request to be informed what steps have been taken in regard to the seizure alluded to by the Surveyor.” Copy, RG 56, Letters to the Collector at New Bern, National Archives; LC , RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,”...
The judge of the Admiralty of Pensylvania has given notice to our Delegates in Congress that there are three Negroes, Tom, Hester and Celia confined in jail in Philadelphia in consequence of a condemnation of a vessel in which they were taken. They say they are the property of a certain Money Godwin of Norfolk, that their Master went off with the British Fleet under Leslie, and gave them...
Your letters of Jan. 10. 12. & Feb. 1. came to hand only a fortnight ago. the inclosed contains my answer to the latter, for communication to the Legislature . so many false views on the subject of the Batture have been presented in & out of Congress that duty to myself, as well as justice to the citizens of N. Orleans & of the Western country generally required that I should avail myself of...
Treasury Department, February 4, 1790. Announces that Olney has been selected by the President to pay “pensions to Invalids for the Space of one year.” LS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence. On June 14, 1790, the Senate confirmed Olney’s appointment as collector of customs at Providence. This letter, except for the sums specified as owed to the “invalids,” is the same as the one...
Yesterday at 5 o’Clock p.m. I received your Excellency’s Letter of the 15th with the enclosed for Majr Genl Heath. As it was of importance he Should have it as soon as may be, I immediately went with it to Roxbury, and delivered it to him. I told him I would assist him in enquiring for information relative to the particulars mentioned in your Letter: And if I should obtain any worth notice, I...
Your favour of the 27th. ult. arrived when I was at Worcester attending a session of the Supreme Court to get some redress for a most gross and injurious Fraud. Immediately on my return, I set out for Boston, from whence I returned last evening. These jaunts have occasioned this delay in the acknowledgment of your Letter. “Poor Democrats, Republicans, and still poorer Americans, are,” you say,...