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Results 2991-3020 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have the honor to communicate to you the substance of a note, without his signature, which I received last Night from a person of considerable abilities , now in private life , in Paris. After expressing his expectations, that “an Envoy extraordinary is on the way to France.” he adds “ It would renew at once the happy former good understanding between the two Countries. His words are...
Après la Lettre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire hier, n’ayant plus rien à vous apprendre, pour le présent, des affaires publiques, mon intention étoit de vous écrire à loisir la semaine prochaine seulement, sur un arrangement à prendre quant à moi personnellement, en conséquence de ce que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de me dire la derniere fois qu’il en a été question entre nous,...
I hope this will find you agreeably reposing at your pleasant Seat after a tedious and fatiguing Session—which however is not ended nor do I know when it will be. They have agreed to Saturday next but such long speechifications as took place on the excise &c will protract the time two or three weeks.—The Senate are almost unemployed and wish for a recess, but it will hardly do for them to...
D’après Le desir que vous avez temoigné hier devant moy de Retourner a L’amerique et Les inconvenients d’estre pris en Chemin et Conduit Chez vos ennemis J’ay Jugé que Le Sejour de Passi ne vous plairoit peutestre pas, et si vous aimiez mieux habiter unne franche Campagne. J’ay dans le Blesois unne terre meublée que Je n’habite pas, Je vous offre avec plaisir de vous en Laisser le Maistre tant...
The Secretary of the Treasury in obedience to the command of the President of the United States respectfully submits the following Report upon the letter of the Secretary of War dated November 22d: 1797, and the papers accompanying the same. The principal question may be stated in either of the following modes. First—What are the powers and duties of the Accountant to the Department of War?...
Our vast Extent of Territory requires a great Land Forrce to defend it. The Spirit of Commerce and Privateering already operates to render the Difficulty of raising Soldiers great. If I am right in what is advanc’d, and as the grand Struggle will soon ensue and it is incumbent on us to make the best Defence that we are capable off, Might it not be of general Utility to prohibit any Vessells...
Je dois réponse aux honorées vôtres des 1 er. & 10 du cour t. J’écris ce fois à Mr. Cerisier afin de savoir pourquoi l’insertion n’a pas encore été faite de la piece que j’ai envoyée il y a 12 à 15 jours à Mr. Luzac, & pour le presser de me renvoyer l’original & sa traduction imprimée, pour pouvoir vous retourner le tout selon vos ordres. J’ai fait grand plaisir Aux Amis, en leur lisant les...
I have the honor, in fulfilment of my official duty, to transmit to you a copy of the Constitution of a Society, just established, which recognizes the general policy in regard to the Indian tribes in our country, pursued during your administration. From this consideration, I am permitted, sir, to indulge a confident hope, that this Constitution, & the Office under it to which you are...
I take the liberty to inform you that Colo. Robert Rowan the Commissioner of Loans for the district of North Carolina, died on the 26th. Inst. It is, Sir, in consequence of this event that I presume to address you and humbly solicit that appointment in his place. I do not ascribe to myself any uncommon merit on which I might found a claim to such a favor:—A consciousness of being fully...
I had this day an opportunity to examine our Town Records. In May 1765 the representatives chosen were James Otis, Thomas Cushing, Oxenbridge Thacher and Thomas Gray. In May 1766 were chosen James Otis, Thomas Cushing, Samuel Adams and John Hancock. I am very respectfully PS. I have read Mr. Wirt’s sketches of Mr. Henry and also a review of them in the North American Review for this month....
John Adams Esqr. To John Stille Dr. 1775 June 24th.  To makeing Suit of Nankeen 0: 6: 0  3 3/4 Y ard s of Linnen @ 3/6 0: 13: 1 1/2  Buttons 0: 2: 7  Thread 1/6 Silk 3/ hair 2/ Buckram /3 Staying 1/6 0:
Although we are but a handful, compared with the aggregate body of the citizens of the United States, at whose head, as Chief Magistrate you deservedly stand—although we inhabit a Village of inconsiderable consequence, compared with the numerous towns and cities, which chequer the face of the Country, over whose rights and interests you have been chosen to preside, yet feelingly impressed with...
Letters from Cadiz inform us of the arrival of a Vessel at that port from Baltimore she left the Bay the 16 february. The Capt. reports more than we can well Credit, that Arnold had made great distruction in the circuit he had taken which had rouzed the Virginians that a Body of Six Thousand Men had got betwixt him and his Shiping and they were in dayly expectation of his being Burgoign’d. The...
I recieved in due time your two favors of Dec. 2. & Feb. 10. and have to acknolege for the ladies of my native state their obligations to you for the encomiums which you are so kind as to bestow on them. they certainly claim no advantages over those of their sister states, and are sensible of more favorable circumstances existing with many of them, & happily availed of, which our situation...
This letter together with a packet for Congress, will be delivered to you by Mr: Stephen Sayer who sets off from hence tomorrow for Amsterdam. He knows nothing from me about my business or affairs. Indeed I have had but little acquaintance with him, less than I shou’d have had, had he not been unfortunately confined by sickness almost the whole time I have been here. The account he will be...
I Received your last and am to Acknowledge that the Contents of it gave me great pleasure. I have for some time thought it necessary that the People should strike some Bold stroke and Try the Issue. They have long enough Submitted to Oppressions and Insults following one another in A rapid Succession without finding any Advantage. They have now Indeed passed the River and left no retreat and...
Your much esteem’d favór of 7 th Ins t with which I am Honour’d was receiv’d Yesterday & am very sorry that you have cause to be anxious about your Son John Quincy Adams.— I will write next post to Hamburg, Copenhagen & Gottenburg & endeavour to Learn something of him & which I hope to give you a pleasing Account of per return of the Northern Post.— I am much oblidg’d by your Intention to send...
Vos desirs serons toujours des ordres pour moi. Vous verrez que je m’y suis conformé dans le N o. que j’e vous fais passer. J’espere pouvoir faire insérer le reste dans les deux suivans: vous m’obligeriez de me communiques ce que vous pensez de la traduction, si elle est exacte & fidele, vous ne verrez pas non plus sans interêt les détails & anecdotes que j’ai ôsé publier sur notre...
I was duly favored, sometime since, with thy kind notice of my late publications, for which I thank thee, and was also much gratified with thy remarks on recent political counts in this State. Fortunately I have delayed this reply until now, when I pray thee to accept my very hearty congratulations on the Election of thy Son to the Presidency of the United States. This must be highly...
I am honored with your esteemed Letter of the 5 th March last, and congratulate You on your appointment to that Court, where it was so much for the interest of these States to have a Minister— In my last letters of the 11 th & 19 th April, I attempted to give You some account of the Spirit of the People in this part of the Continent, on account of the unequal trade between the U States and G...
In the answer with which you were pleased to honor my letter inclosing an oration on the death of General Washington,—you were so good as to notice some papers I had written with a view to the revision of the New Jersey Constitution:—I very little expected that so obscure a pamphlet would have found its way to your Excellency, and much less that it should serve to introduce me with some...
This letter will be presented to you by the Hon. William Smith Esquire one of the representaives in Congress from the State of South Carolina—whom I beg leave to introduce to you as a friend and a fellow citizen whose talents, integrity, fortune and connexions are respectable in the eyes of his constituents in the district which he represents, and whose family since the earliest settlement of...
During some time past my time has been devoted to writing the History of Mr. Jefferson’s administration with an historical sketch of the affairs of the Union from the period of the adoption of the Federal Constitution: as the sale of the work in Massachusetts will be considerably enhanced by the Sanction of your name—I have intruded upon your politeness to ask permission to place it at the...
The Subscriber Ebenezer Breed humbly represents, that he is proprietor of about half the Land lying in the Town of Charlestown, which has lately been fixed upon by the Government of the United States, as the most eligible & convenient place within this Commonwealth for the purpose of a Dock & Navy Yard. That on the representation of Aaron Putnam Esquire, as agent for the United States, in that...
I must make an apology for asking you to accept of the sermon inlosed herewith. You knew and loved the man whose death occasioned it, and this circumstance may render it pleasing to you to receive it. Besides, you loved the father of the author and have always been kind and friendly to him in person, and by these means the candor which it needs will be secured in your perusal of it. Excuse me,...
I received the Letter your Excellency did me the honour of writing to me the 15th. Instant, respecting Bills presented to you for Acceptance, drawn by Congress in favour of N. Tracey for 10,000 £ Sterling, payable at 90 Days sight; and desiring to know if I can furnish Funds for the Payment. I have lately made a fresh and strong Application for more Money. I have not yet received a positive...
Being overtaken by a Snow Storm at this place on my way from Washington to Winchester I embrace the opportunity which the leisure of a day affords, to communicate information which may perhaps be useful or satisfactory—In the letter from the Commissioners to the President of 21st Ulo. they express an opinion, that a good house in a convenient situation may be provided at the seat of Goverment...
I feel exceedingly honored as well as gratified by your kind notice of my humble labours. Your Letter, which I shall preserve with Care, will be a proud Testimony to my descendents, that their Ancestor enjoyed the esteem of one of the most illustrious among the illustrious founders of this great Empire. I have not read either Bryant’s Analysis nor Dupuis’ Culte Universal, but Shall read them...
La maison que Votre Excellence m’a ordonné d’acheter Vous appartient depuis hier au Soir, que nous en avons passé le Contrat de vente par-devant notaires de la main à la main, pour quatorze mille cinquante deux et demi florins, je dis ƒ14052.10s argent courant, et franc de tous fraix, d’Hollande, de votre part, moyennant quoi le Vendeur est tenu de vous livrer au premier de May prochain la...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your respected, and highly interesting letter of the 6th. & 9th. of the present month with their enclosures, the latter of which I now return.— While obliged by their communication I feel reluctant at trespassing so largely upon your time & retrospections, and beg leave again to reiterate the request, that you would not call them into exercise for...