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Results 2991-3000 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I received your Favour of the 10th on the 18th with an inclosed Acct of the Stores left at Winchester, and of the Tools deliver’d for the use of the 2d Regiment: but had no Acct from Mr Smith of the Arms, nor from Mr Ramsay of the Provisions issued for the Subsistance of the Men since Sr John St Clair’s Arrival at Winchester, when I apprehended our Men were to be provided for out of the Stores...
here with you have the agreeable News of taking all the Out works at Lewisburg your Papers will come by the Command & as the Carolina Soldiers had no Arms I Sent Capt[ain] Tom with 25 Indians as far as South branch who is to come back to this town, from ther; as no doubt you will Send a Guard to South Branch, to take Care of these 50 Waggons with Stores & Provisions & as your waggons will come...
It gives me real Concern to trouble you further—but the Continued Complaints of the inhabitants and intreaties of my Men; as almost the whole of them that have been in the Fort have Contracted Severe fluxes which has vastly weakend the Company; Obliges me to Presume to Mention One Step which Might be taken to relieve them; which is this; there are in Fort Loudoun Several of the new Regiment in...
In my last I omitted to inform you that I sent four Boxes in room of the three Barrells of flints ordered in your letter of the 10th Inst.; Since which I have the favour of your letters dated the 11th & 14th. I sent your horses imediatly to your Quarter and shall take the first safe oportunity of forwarding them to your house in Fairfax; The answere I had from old Mr Stinsons, was, that...
As you did not Acquaint me, when I was to Date the Commission, you was Pleased to send me, I have referr’d filling it up, untill I had the Pleasure of Seeing you. But as you Seemd to be of Oppinion when I spoke to you at Winchester, that I had a right to the Pay, from the Date of Col: Mercers Commission, I draw’d Pay from Mr Boyd—from the first of May—If the thing is Disagreeable to you I...
I send you the Copy of three Letters Directed to Mr Walker that you may see the Necessety of sending down the Waggons againe for another Load which I hope will be Ready for them before theay Return, have sent you 130 Barrills of Indian Corn whch I begg you⟨ll⟩ Employ some Cearefull hand to take Ceare of. have orderd two Waggon Load of this and two more at South Branch to be ground into Meale...
Before Colo. Stephen came to this place last Night, I had abandond all thoughts of attending Personally at the Election in Winchester—determining rather to leave the management of that matter to my friends, than be absent from my Regiment when there is a probability of its being calld upon. I am now much pleasd that I did do so. Colo. Byrd has given me your Letter of Yesterday, in consequence...
Inclosd are returns, one of the number of ⟨Troops⟩ we draw Provisions for; the other of the strength of the Regiment, made out from those lately receivd from the several Detachments. I hope they will please, but if any other form is requird be kind enough to advertise me of it, & I shall execute the Orders. It is morally impossible to get, at this place, covers for our Locks, having nothing...
Your intelligence of the 12th came regularly to hand—in which no circumstance equals the agreable account of your good health —the only blessing necessary for Life—but more especially, to promote Spirit & pleasure in the Toils of a Campaigne. The invariable attention, indefatiguably pursued by the Pensilvanians, without regard to the common interest, for advancing their private fortunes—have...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have the third Copy (in Case of Miscarriages) of a Bill for £149.12 s. 5 d. , and the first Copy of another Bill for £100. which makes in all sent you £1049. 12 s. 5 d. One Hundred pound of which protested, for which you have Credit. The Exchange for the £100. to be paid you by Mr. Strahan was 60 as was that of £149. 12 s. 5 d. and...