George Washington Papers

General Orders, 9 September 1775

General Orders

Head Quarters, Cambridge, Sept. 9th 1775

Parole GenevaCountersign Hartford

The Major General commanding the division of the army, posted between Prospect-hill and Cambridge river,1 is to be very exact in obliging the Colonels and Field Officers, to lay in the Encampments of their respective regiments; and particularly, the Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel of the 30th Regiment.2

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam commanded this division.

2James Scammans was colonel of the 30th Regiment, and Johnson Moulton (d. 1793) of York, District of Maine, was its lieutenant colonel. A provincial captain during the French and Indian War, Moulton vied with Scammans for command of the 30th Regiment while it was being formed during the spring of 1775. Moulton served as lieutenant colonel under Scammans until the end of the year, when he became lieutenant colonel of the 7th Continental Regiment. Moulton apparently left the army after the campaign of 1776. For GW’s earlier orders requiring officers to sleep in their camps, see General Orders, 7 and 24 July 1775.

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