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Results 29751-29800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Until within a few Days, I had only seen detached parts of your letters, published in the Boston...
Copy of mine of the 3d. June last is herewith. I have had since the pleasure to make the personal...
Have the goodness to enclose the within Packet to Mrs. Washington. We hear very little now of the...
My feelings are deeply excited by the Step which I now take in addressing a letter to you, not...
Permit me respectfully to solicit a suspension of your Excellencys opinion, respe[c]ting a...
I do not know whether the request of M. Moussier , explained in the inclosed letter , is...
I return you a thousand thanks for the fine pair of sheep you have sent me. they arrived in...
Last evening I received with great pleasure your request for an explanation of a note left at...
The remonstrance of the undersigned inhabitants of the Territory of Louisiana, Most respectfully...
According to my letter of the 8 th I had yesterday given to mr Woods our sheriff an order on you...
Your favor of Aug. 28. came duly to hand, and I congratulate you on the succesful completion of...
I have recieved from M. Thouin , Director of the National garden of France a collection of many...
No ordinary occasion should induce me to intrude on your leisure hours. you will perceive that...
I have recd. fellow Citizens; your Address of the 14th. Sepr. with a just sense of the favorable...
I recieved last night yours of the 6th. & now return mr. Dupont’s letter. At a time when I had a...
9 October 1809, Department of State. Expresses regret that British government has disavowed the...
I recieved last night only your favor of Sep. 16. by that I percieve you are uneasy at something...
I recieved last night yours of the 6 th & now return mr Dupont’s letter. at a time when I had a...
je profite, Monsieur, d’une occasion bien favorable pour vous envoier les marons d’inde que vous...
Bacon the great Bacon was fond of Paradoxes. What could The Old Hunks mean by Great Men having...
A representation has been forwarded to the Sec’y at war, praying that Lieutenant Small who...
It is long since I ought to have acknoleged the reciept of your most excellent oration on the 4...
Tomorrow being the last day fixed by our sheriff’s for the reciept of the taxes of the year, I...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Sep. 15. the most interesting enquiries for us...
While I lived in Washington , a member of Congress from your state (I do not recollect which)...
I have duly recieved your favor of Sep. 29. proposing to publish a new edition of the Notes on...
AMSTERDAM, February 7th, 1781—wrote to Congress: “By the tenth article of the treaty of alliance...
AMSTERDAM, Feb. 15, 1781—wrote to Dr. Franklin: “This morning the house of Botereau & Co. of this...
I inclose for perusal a letter from Mr. Dupont D. N. What does he mean by his desire “to...
My Son Richard Rush has requested me to beg the favor of you to accept of the enclosed pamphflet...
Having been apprized that an Application was made to you in December last, to procure my...
Sollicited by a poor man in an adjoining county who states his case in the inclosed letter, &...
I inclose for perusal a letter from M r Dupont D. N. What does he mean by his desire “to...
I have executed a deed to Richard Tompkins as you desired, and acknoleged it at our last court,...
I am desirous of sowing largely the next spring a kind of grass called Tall meadow oat, or...
Mr. Smith has had an official conversation with Mr. Jackson, and is to see him again today at One...
I have just met with Major Morrison on his Way to the City of Washington, and I cannot omit...
5 October 1809, Gothenburg, Sweden. Transmits copy of his letter to JM of 9 Sept. Awaits in...
Early last Spring I lodged a Book entitled “Horrors of Slavery” in the post Office, to be sent to...
Your favor of Aug. 22. was not recieved till the 20 th of Sep. and I undertake with chearfulness...
Pike’s arithmetic. 8 vo Simpson’s Algebra. 8 vo Emerson’s fluxions 8 vo Simpson’s Euclid 4 to...
Your favor of Aug. 26. came to hand in the succeeding month and I have now to thank you for the...
I am sorry it is not in my power to give you any information how far the making a dam across the...
Your letter of Sep. 7. came to hand about a fortnight ago, & I have taken the first sufficient...
History Diodorus Siculus . Justin Herodotus by Littlebury 2. v. 8 vo Thucydides by Smith . 2. v....
M r John Johnston the U.S. Factor & Indian Agent at this place designing to pass through your...
Letter not found. Ca. 2 October 1809. Offered for sale in Parke-Bernet Catalogue No. 1516 (1954),...
The claim of Govr. Harrison for an annual compensation of one hundred dollars for superintending...
The bearer of this is mr Thomas M. Randolph half brother of my son in law of that name whom you...
I was Informed yeasterday that you had some of the morino sheep a Stock I have for some time...