James Madison Papers

To James Madison from the Inhabitants of the Michigan Territory, ca. 15 October 1809 (Abstract)

§ From the Inhabitants of the Michigan Territory

Ca. 15 October 1809 Petitioners seek removal of Gov. William Hull on the grounds that he has dealt unfairly with Canadian owners of fugitive slaves, consorted with a Chippewa Indian who murdered a tribesman, issued illegal orders to the militia, allowed the territorial defenses to deteriorate, implemented an illegal arrangement with an Indian interpreter regarding a trading license, wasted public money, and fostered a “system of favouritism” that included the pardon of a wrongdoer who violated the “rights of the Judiciary.” Concludes that Hull ignores court proceedings, hinders the work of the court, and issues “defamatory Proclamations upon the Judges.”

Printed broadside (DNA: RG 107, LRUS, H-1810). 1 p. Undated. Unsigned. Reprinted in Carter, Territorial Papers, Michigan, 10:296–99. Hull sent the broadside to the secretary of war with his letter of 24 Nov. 1809. He denounced Judge Augustus B. Woodward as the instigator of the petition: “Fifty Copies of it have been published more than a Month, and … only five or six persons have been found to sign it.” Hull also professed, “Whether this petition will ever reach the Presidt or not, is a subject about which I have no concern” (ibid., 10:295).

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