Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Samuel Greenhow to Thomas Jefferson, 25 October 1809

From Samuel Greenhow

Richmond 25th Octr 1809.


You executed two declarations for assurance some time past, which were delivered at this Office by the S. Agent Mr Dawson; with verbal Instructions, that, they should not be recorded until you directed it.—As there were no written Instructions to hold them up, I did not wish to take them into my Keeping, since it is my duty to record every declaration on receipt of it, & to address a letter to the proprietor of the houses intended to be Assured informing of the præmium, unless I have written Orders, as to any delay—After recording the declaration, the præmium accruse & must be charged on the books.

Will you Sir, be good enough to direct, whether, I shall immediately record these declarations—whether I shall return them—or whether I shall continue to hold them subject to your future Orders.—

The præmiums of Assurance will be, as on the other side.—

I am Sir with great Respect Yrs &c

Samuel Greenhow.

P.S. I should have called on you while you were in this City; but being much engaged, I delayed it until you had set off on your Return—which I had been informed would not be so soon; hence I am obliged to trouble you with this Letter.

Saml Greenhow1

Value  Insurable amount of premm
Merchant Mill $10,000 $2000 $8000 @ prCt $200. 
Dwellg house 1 600 120 480 7.20
Ditto 200 40 160 2.40
Grist mill 900 180    720   18.   
Sum to be Insured $ 9,360  Total præmium $ 227.60

equal to an Average of $2⁴³⁄₁₀₀ pr hundred dollars, to be paid as the price of a right to future Assurance at the rate of about 35 Cents per annum on each $100.—

Rate of Præmiums—
merchant mill. Stone, wooden cover $2.  prCt
over $5000. value    .50 〃 〃
Dwellg house Stone, Wooden cover   1.50
Ditto Stone, Wooden cover   1.50
Grist-mill Body Stone, wooden cover }   2.50
Wing all wood.

RC (DLC); addressed: “Mr Thomas Jefferson. Albermarle”; franked and postmarked; endorsed by TJ as received 5 Nov. 1809 and so recorded in SJL.

1Remainder on verso of address cover.

Index Entries

  • building materials; stone search
  • Dawson, William; and Mutual Assurance Society search
  • Greenhow, Samuel; and Mutual Assurance Society search
  • Greenhow, Samuel; letters from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Travels; to Richmond search
  • Mutual Assurance Society; and TJ’s insurance search
  • Shadwell mills; and toll mill search
  • Shadwell mills; TJ’s insurance for search