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Results 29731-29760 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
It is with painful Sensations that I Announce to You the death of His Excellency Meriwether Lewis...
Vm me ha escrito una carta deliciosa. La aprobacion de mi papelito por un Sabio, por un...
It is with extreme pain that I have to inform you of the death of His Excellency Meriwether Lewis...
Your favour of the 27th. ult. arrived when I was at Worcester attending a session of the Supreme...
Who were the ancestors and posterity of Homer, Demosthenes, Plato and Aristotle? who were the...
I have recd. the Resolns. unanimously entered into by the Citizens of Columbia, & covered by your...
Mr. Poydras declined the printing of Mr. Lisley’s able & argumentative work, which had been...
I had hoped, to have been enabled to forward to you, pr. this Mail, my vindication from the vile...
17 October 1809, Prairie du Chien. Wrote president earlier but received no answer, so he makes...
The Chevalier de Onis , has the honor of presenting his respects to His Excellency M r Jefferson...
16 October 1809, Orange Court House. Encloses draft on JM from Gideon Gooch for $47.59. Expects...
I was duly honoured with your polite favour of the 7 th Instant respecting the Notes on Virginia...
You will particularly obliege by informing where you left my papers deposited with you respecting...
I requested judge Cranch, when he returnd to washington, to apologize to you; for my not replying...
Ca. 15 October 1809 Petitioners seek removal of Gov. William Hull on the grounds that he has...
15 October 1809, Urbana. Demands that JM implement the principles of the report on public credit...
LEYDEN, March 10, 1781—wrote to Commodore Gillon: “I have received the letter you did me the...
14 October 1809, Philadelphia. Has just finished reprinting the enclosed little pamphlet on the...
I had the honor to receive in due time your favour of the 27th Sept. I read it with that...
Letter not found. 13 October 1809. Acknowledged in Jefferson to JM, 25 Oct. 1809 . Listed in...
Until within a few Days, I had only seen detached parts of your letters, published in the Boston...
Copy of mine of the 3d. June last is herewith. I have had since the pleasure to make the personal...
Have the goodness to enclose the within Packet to Mrs. Washington. We hear very little now of the...
My feelings are deeply excited by the Step which I now take in addressing a letter to you, not...
Permit me respectfully to solicit a suspension of your Excellencys opinion, respe[c]ting a...
I do not know whether the request of M. Moussier , explained in the inclosed letter , is...
I return you a thousand thanks for the fine pair of sheep you have sent me. they arrived in...
Last evening I received with great pleasure your request for an explanation of a note left at...
The remonstrance of the undersigned inhabitants of the Territory of Louisiana, Most respectfully...
According to my letter of the 8 th I had yesterday given to mr Woods our sheriff an order on you...