Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Campbell, 12 November 1792

To Samuel Campbell

Philadelphia Nov. 12. 1792.


I am to acknolege the reciept of your favor accompanied by the 7th. vol. of Dr. Anderson’s Bee. Much pleased with this work, and desirous of continuing to recieve it, I should be obliged to you to be informed if Dr. Anderson has any correspondent at Richmond in Virginia through whom I could receive the work in future and pay the subscription, as I could not consent to permit Dr. Anderson to go on with the furnishing it but on the footing of other subscribers. I am Sir your most obedt. servt

Th: Jefferson

PrC (MHi); at foot of text: “Mr. Samuel Campbell. N. York.”

Samuel Campbell was a bookseller, stationer, and printer in New York City (New-York Directory, and Register, for the Year 1792 [New York, 1792], 22). His favor of 13 Oct. 1792 had also transmitted copies of The Psalms of David … Also, The Catechism, Confession of Faith and Liturgy, of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. For the Use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North-America (New York, 1792) and The Miscellaneous Works of Colonel Humphreys (New York, 1790), in accordance with the copyright law (RC in DNA: RG 59, MLR). See also James Anderson to TJ, 3 Nov. 1792, and note.

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