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Results 2971-3000 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I wrote to you as often as proper but fearfull Some of the Letters miscarried I sent you an Acct...
Inclosd is a Return of the Strength of the Six Companies at this Place. I wish you would order by...
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 14 July 1758. On 20 July Smith wrote to GW: “I have the...
Having been out to visit the Roads I received this afternoon your two Letters of yesterday. I am...
This Serves Chiefly to Inform you that I reced the favr of yours the Day before you marched for...
I wrote yesterday, intended by Capt. Bosomworth but was out when he sett off. Nothing new Since,...
To Francis Halkett, Esqr.—Brigade Major— Dear Halkett Camp at Fort Cumberld 16th July 1758 Last...
To Lieutt Colo. Stephen of the Virga Regimt—Rays Town Sir Camp at Fort Cumberland 16th July 1758....
I was favour’d with your’s of the 14th Inst. at 11 oClock last night: the Express who brought it...
I was on a Vissit over to Long Island a few days agoe and unexpectedly Came here. shall Return in...
Capt. Robt Stewart Writes me he shew’d you my letter—wherein I wish’d to be in the Light...
Your obliging favour of this date, I just now had the pleasure of receiving. You make me quite...
Letter not found: from Henry Bouquet, 19 July 1758. On 19 July, GW wrote Bouquet : “Your obliging...
The civilities I received from you at your Camp were many, but at present my acknowledgements...
I am desired by General Forbes to acquaint you that there is sent up to Rays Town in Order to be...
dere Coll I Shold take it as a greait faver if you wold Send the Cash for the iron by the forst...
Col. Bouquet was at first in a great dillemma betwixt his great inclination to serve you, & the...
20 July 1758. Worthington C. Ford printed the following as the text of a letter written by GW to...
I have the pleasure to acquaint you that Yesterday a Runner arrived here from one of the Parties...
Letter not found: from Henry Bouquet, 20 July 1758. On 21 July GW wrote to Bouquet : “Colo. Byrd...
I received your Favour of the 10th on the 18th with an inclosed Acct of the Stores left at...
here with you have the agreeable News of taking all the Out works at Lewisburg your Papers will...
It gives me real Concern to trouble you further—but the Continued Complaints of the inhabitants...
In my last I omitted to inform you that I sent four Boxes in room of the three Barrells of flints...
As you did not Acquaint me, when I was to Date the Commission, you was Pleased to send me, I have...
I send you the Copy of three Letters Directed to Mr Walker that you may see the Necessety of...
Before Colo. Stephen came to this place last Night, I had abandond all thoughts of attending...
Inclosd are returns, one of the number of ⟨Troops⟩ we draw Provisions for; the other of the...
Your intelligence of the 12th came regularly to hand—in which no circumstance equals the agreable...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have the third Copy (in Case of...