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Results 29701-29730 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The letter which accompanis this was wrote yesterday before your Cart had returned from Mr Gough’s. The Calf which was drove in from his House was so very much fatigued and his feet appeared so sore that I have recomme[n]ded it to Mr Anderson to give it one days rest, and its being in the same pasture with the other one will make them somewhat acquainted, and perhaps drive better together. The...
I received last night your favor of the 16th. No particular rules have been established by the President for the conduct of Consuls with respect to prizes. In one particular case, where a prize is brought into our ports by any of the belligerent parties, and is reclaimed of the Executive, the President has hitherto permitted the Consul of the Captor to hold the prize until his determination is...
Monday Morning, the most agreable in the Week because it brings me Letters from you, has not failed me to day. I have yours of 23 and 25 March. The Correspondence with Plymouth amused me much— The Answer is Superiour to the Letter both in Delicacy, and keenness.— You might have told her, if Chance decides in Elections, it is no better than Descent. But she knows not what she wants. The Letter...
recomm d to Hiliard Bonheur et Morale Sax. gram. vocab. Pentateuch Orosius . Turner Ludlow Baxter. Locke on govmt Sidney Gibbons Univ. hist. ant t Fresnoy Tablettes Chronol. geon Dumeril portatif de Grenet et Bonn 7.38 d
Had a Declaration of Independency been made seven Months ago, it would have been attended with many great and glorious Effects. . . . We might before this Hour, have formed Alliances with foreign States.—We should have mastered Quebec and been in Possession of Canada. . . . You will perhaps wonder, how such a Declaration would have influenced our Affairs, in Canada, but if I could write with...
I have received your letter of the 14. instant I have no objections to the appointment of Lieutenant House — as paymaster to the first regiment of Artillerists and Engineers—or to that of Lieutenant Memminger as Paymaster to the Second regiment—You will be pleased to give orders to have the Bonds required by law executed and transmitted to the Accountant of this department— I am Sir with great...
When I Heard of Your Going to France, I heartly lamented I Could not Have the Honour to Receive You there. But in the Same time Anticipated the pleasure to wait upon You this Winter in our French Capital. Your Voyage to Europe I Ever Considered as a favourite Wish of mine and on Every public and private Account am Happy to think You at last Have Consented to go. Permit me, my dear Sir farther...
Quisiera el Rey tener fondos en el dia para pagar los 100 d libras esterlinas que importarán las letras de cambio giradas contra Mons r Jai, porq e S. M. desea contribuir alos alivios de los estados unidos y ala satisfaccion personal del mismo Mons r Jai; Pero las necesidades de la guerra, y la dificultad de conducir nro. dinero de America sin exponerlo a grandes riesgos nos [ illegible ] pone...
The Board of War have favd me with a Copy of their letter to you of the 20th Augt by which I find that they had directed you to forward all the ready made cloathing to Springfeild and Harford there to be opened, aired and Assorted, and the Blankets, Shoes Stockings and shirts to Camp. The intent of the Board is to put the whole Army in compleat new uniform as early as possible in October, and...
I have received your letter of the 14th instt., in which you justly correct my transposition of Newbury-port & Marblehead. General Dearborn approves of Tuck’s removal; but as there is no inconvenience in waiting a week longer, & we have been rather unfortunate in selecting individuals who could not or would not accept I have concluded to wait for your answer to this letter before I would send...
1. the Concessions to Renault. as to those in the territory of Indiana, that country having been claimed by England at all times, conquered in the war of 1755. & confirmed to her in 1763. conquered by the US. & confirmed to them in 1783. and all antient titles there settled & done with by authority of the US. these claims of Renault are certainly at an end. 2. As to those in Louisiana I...
Letter not found: to William Deakins, Jr., 10 Jan. 1787. Deakins wrote GW on 10 Jan. : “I have your favor of this date.”
Mrs Washington has been long in expectation of receiving what you took away unfinished, and was to have completed and sent to her; and prays that it may be done with out further delay, as she is in want of them; & must apply elsewhere if not done. I am Sir Your Obedt Hble Ser. ALS (letterpress copy), DLC:GW . The dentist Benjamin Fendall of Cedar Hill in Charles County, Md., was at Mount...
The Gentleman who will have the Honour of presenting this letter to you (Mr. John Millar) has been long a particular friend of mine, and I can with great confidence recommend him to your acquaintance, as a man of worth, learning, and talents. I shall leave to himself the detail of the circumstances which have suggested to him the plan of settling in America, and shall content myself with...
1 September 1804, Philadelphia. “The Letter, which you addressed me on the 28th. Febr: in reply to mine of the 27th. of same month, as well as the contents of the conversation which I the following day had the honor to hold with you at the State office, have been submitted to the consideration of my Court; in consequence of which I have received, and am directed to transmit to you, the...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclosed Letters were intended to be sent some time ago by Mr. Jefferson, who went as far as Maryland as a Commissioner for Peace, but he being recalled; I now commit them to the care of Mr. Restife, a Gentleman that came over with the Minister of France, he appears to be a good kind of Man, & has been very intimate in our Family— We are...
I wrote you not long since, by a young gentleman who proposed to go as far [as] N. Y. acknowledging the rect. of your favor of Feby. 1st. I have since recd. that of March 6 which I meant to have acknowledged through the same hands. But finding that the delays which have hitherto kept back the bearer above referred to, are of uncertain continuance, & having no certain conveyance to Fredg. I...
I have the honor of transmitting to you a report upon the claims of the French Settlers at Galliopolis, pursuant to the orders of the Senate, together with their petition, and sundry documents upon which the facts reported are founded. With sentiments of the most perfect respect / I have the honor to be, sir / Your most Obedt servt. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I had this Moment the Honour of yours of the 15. Ultimo and I thank you for your Kindness to Mr. Thaxter of whom I had not before heard, Since he left this Place. The Act of Congress inclosed in your Letter, I will take with me to Europe, for which Country I hope to embark in five Days in the Boston Frigate, not without Regret at having been delayed So long. I shall make out Six Copies of the...
29720[Diary entry: 12 December 1773] (Washington Papers)
12. At home all day the above Company here. Mrs. Washington & Miss Brown going to Ch[urc]h & returng. to Dinner.
Your letters not already acknowledged bear dates March 4. April 1. & 24. 1808. In the two last were received the communications from the Russian Government of its declarations relative to Sweden, and of its ordinance against a neutral trade between British & Russian Ports. The President having deemed it expedient in the present state of things, to appoint a Minister Plenipotentiary to the...
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly yours of the 19 inst. You have my free Consent to communicate the Letters you mention (and any others that I have written) to M. L. Ambr. de F. He is a wise Man & our Friend, and his Opinion & Advice, when he may think fit to give it, cannot but be useful in our Affairs. As to that M. Str. I saw him twice with Mr. de Ne. when I was ill with the Gout;...
LS : American Philosophical Society Your letter of the 15th. of July last by Captain Barney, came to my Hands the 18th. of March, but I have never had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Jones, or Mr. Paradise. It was very unfortunate for Mr. Russell that your recommendation of him did not arrive sooner; the Character and Conduct of this Gentleman entitle him to every favour. His property was ordered...
I am to acknolege the reciept of your favor accompanied by the 7th. vol. of Dr. Anderson’s Bee. Much pleased with this work, and desirous of continuing to recieve it, I should be obliged to you to be informed if Dr. Anderson has any correspondent at Richmond in Virginia through whom I could receive the work in future and pay the subscription, as I could not consent to permit Dr. Anderson to go...
7 February 1803, Bristol. Last wrote on 25 Sept. by the Cornelia , Captain Bliss. Has since received no letters from JM. Has been unable to obtain “the least satisfaction” for Messrs. Smiths, DeSaussure, and Darrell of Charleston for indigo plundered from the Commerce by the French privateer Tiger at St. Malo in May 1793. Quotes a 3 Feb. 1802 letter from Skipwith to Livingston stating that the...
25 December 1809, Worcester. Introduces Major Cogswell, a supporter of administration policies, “from whome you may learn the state of the public spirit in this part of the Country.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Amos Cogswell (1752–1826) rose to the rank of brevet major during the Revolution ( DAR Patriot Index , p. 142; Francis B. Heitman, Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army during...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of M r Vanderkemp to make his thanks acceptable, if occasion should offer to the worthy lady, miss Halshoff who has been so kind as through him to send him her interesting Republican Manuel. it is replete with the soundest principles of human independance, and I commiserate her sufferings in so holy a cause. gloomy however as is the present appearance of it’s...
Your Excellency’s letter of the 1st Inst. directed to the Commanding Officer of the Maryland additional Regt was put into my hands yesterday —His Excellency the Governor having directed me, to order a general Rendezvous of the Recruits, they have assembled at this place, to the Number of three hundred & thirty—a hundred & fifty more are daily expected from the more distant Counties, returns of...
Your Reputation as a Scientific Character is great, but my visit to Monticello not long since; convinced me that I had never heard half the truth. I take the liberty to enclose an Almanac calculated by Dr. Robert Stubbs—I thought it might be pleasing to you being a production of the west But that is not the only reason of my forwarding it—I am anxious that you Should know Something of this...
By his Excellency Thomas Jefferson esqr. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia A Proclamation. Whereas it is become necessary that the General Assembly be called together before the time to which they stand adjourned: I have therefore thought fit with the advice of the Council of State to issue this my proclamation, hereby appointing the first day of march next for the meeting of the said...