29701To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 1 December 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Les chefs osages qui sont arrivés dernierement a St Louis m’ont donné des Nouvelles indirectes de Mr. Le Capn Lewis au moment de leur depart de leur nation ils ont vu deux Indiens de la Nation otto qui venoient a St Louis et qui ont craint de Continuer Leur route par le coup malheureux qui venoit d’être frappé sur les osages, ces ottos rapportent qu’ils ont accompagné le Capitaine Lewis...
29702To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 19 November 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Le Capitaine Lewis a son passage avoit engagé les chef de la Tribus Ayoua a venir ici, plusieurs chefs de cette Tribus y sont venus il y a peu de Jours et d’après la promesse que le Capne Lewis leur avoit fait, ainsi qu’a la Tribus Sioux d’aller vous voir a federal Cité, ces chefs m’ont demandés a ce que Je les y Conduisent, Je leurs ai observé qu’il faloit vos ordres avant tout et Je leurs ay...
29703To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 12 February 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Je viens d’apprendre dans le moment qu’un Parti d’Osages a Tué sur la Riviere des Arkansas un François et volé dix chevaux aux chasseurs qui ont hiverné sur cette même Riviere, le chef les cheveux Blancs m’a fait avertir de ce malheureux accident par un chasseur qui est descendu de l’endroit où il est en chasse en massurant qu’aussitot qu’il seroit de retour a son village il m’instruiroit avec...
29704To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 7 November 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Par la derniere que J’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire le 12.—du mois dernier, Je vous ai marqué mon arrivée avec les ozages: depuis ce temp Je les ai fait partir il sont maintenant en chemin pour se rendre a leur village après un long et constamment heureux voyage, Je me disposois moi même a aller les accompagner, mais l’Arrivée de monsr. le Gouverneur harrison avec le quel Je me suis entendu...
29705To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 10 December 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Quoique je soye bien persuadé que Monsieur Le Gouverneur Lewis Vous a instruit avec detail de tout ce qui s’est passé dernierement entre les Nations Grands et petits osages, j’espere que vous me pardonnerez de vous entretenir un moment a ce Sujet. Le general Wm. Clarke dans un voyage qu’il a fait a la prairie du feu a environ 300 milles dans le Missoury ayant trouvé un parti d’Osages...
29706To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 20 July 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr Le Capn Lewis ayant envoyé par sa barge revenue dernierement du haut Missoury, des Pies, un faisan, et un chien de prairye avec deux Malles qui suivant ses instructions doivent vous etre envoyés, Je les ai fait descendre à la Nouvelle Orleans et les ai addressé à Mr Le gouverneur Clayborn, J’ai cru que cette Voye etoit La plus sure pour que ces animaux arrivent sain et sauf à Federal city....
29707To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 17 June 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
Par les differentes conversations que J’ai eu avec Mr Ns. Boisevin et Pau Loise, je dois Presumer que le Gouvernement verroit avec plaisir le chef Ozage la Grande Piste et quelques uns des Considerés de sa bande faire le voyage de federal city, Je crois en effet que ce Voyage seroit infiniment avantageuex pour eteindre l’Esprit d’animosité et de Jalousie qui divise la Nation Ozage et dont les...
29708To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 2 March 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Depuis ma derniere lettre partie d’ici le seize de ce mois J’ai eprouvé un bien grand malheur dans la nuit du Jeudy au vendredy quinze ma maison et tout ce qu’elle renfermoit a eté detruite par le feu et J’ai vu en une heure de tems les flammes devorer le produit de vingt cinq années d’un travail assidu a peine ai je pu sauver ma famille et une petite partie de mes papiers, tout le reste n’est...
29709To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 20 April 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Je vous ai annoncé par ma derniere lettre L’arrivée de plusieurs chefs Sioux que je n’avois pas encore vus; peu aprés le depart du courier Mr crawford m’a annoncé leur arrivée et me les a amenés; Je les ai renvoyé dans leurs nations avec quelques petits presents dont ils ont été satisfaits et ai remis a l’automne prochain a leur faire connoitre les intentions du gouvernement relativement à...
29710To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 12 October 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ay seulement l’honneur de vous donner avis de mon arrivée a St. Louis qui a été le 3, de ce mois, avec les Ozages—Jouissant Tous d’une parfaitte santé. Il ne nous est rien arrivé d’extraordinaire pendant le cours de notre voyage qui a été, sous tous les rapports, des plus heureux. Je me dispose dans ce moment de rendre les Ozages a leur village, je suis persuadé que le souvenir des bienfaits...
29711To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 11 March 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Le courier que nous attendions samedi dernier n’etant point arrivé, ma derniere lettre du deux mars partira avec celle cy. Je vous ai prevenu par elle du malheureux evenement qui a detruit la majeure partie de ma fortune et qui m’a été d’autant plus sensible que je crois pouvoir sans injustice L’imputer à la vengeance d’une de mes Esclaves que je n’ai pourtant point a me reprocher d’avoir...
29712To Thomas Jefferson from Jean André Chrestien, 20 August 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
La place éminente que vous tenés de la confiance de vos concitoyens annonce vos grandes qualités. ce que m’a dit de vous un de vos compatriotes, mr pantin, me donne la certitude qu’au nombre de vos vertus, on compte l’amour de l’humanité. j’ai cru d’aprés cela, faire à votre excellence, une offrande digne d’elle, en lui adressant un ouvrage de médecine qui me parait présenter de l’utilité dans...
29713To Thomas Jefferson from Jean André Chrestien, 8 March 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Si je ne voyais en vous que L’ami eclairé de La science, je n’oserais pas vous faire hommage de L’exemplaire d’un ouvrage que je prens La liberté de vous offrir; mais Vous étes ami de L’humanité, et à ce titre vous daignerés accueillir un recueil d’observations qui peut être utile à vos concitoyens, en multipliant Les moyens d’administrer Les remèdes les plus énergiques dans des cas ou le...
29714To George Washington from "Christain Charity", 2 July 1794 (Washington Papers)
you are now in The Decline of Life and Lived To See Some Remarkable Events and you have now Time to Consider your own Transactions That you may Give an Account of all The Good you have Done and How you have Employd your Talents I hope Sir you will Take Some Pity on The Two Poor Children Belonging to Late French King and Prevail with The Present Ruling Power to Show them Some Respect if you Sir...
29715Charles Christian to Thomas Jefferson, 28 March 1812 (Jefferson Papers)
Influenced by a desire to ameliorate the condition of five orphan children (the family of the deceased M r Cheetham ) whose transition from affluence to want has been sudden and calamitous, I took the liberty to address you, under date of the 10 th Inst , in their behalf. I now beg leave to solicit a return of the subs c ription paper as the wants of those children have become so urgent as to...
29716To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Christian, 29 January 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I take the Liberty to enclose you a paper containing my Ideas on improving our Manual and Solicit your particular notice of the last paragraph— I have the Honor to remain your Excellencys Obedient and very Humble Servant PHi : Daniel Parker Papers.
29717To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Christian, 24 December 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
The Saratoga Rangers, a volunteer Company, of the first New York Regiment of Light Infantry, which I have the honour to command, resolved at a full meeting to tender their Services to their Country. When we formed into a Company it was with a view to engage in actual service whenever the General Welfare should require it. Our Standard was presented by the illustrious Gates, it reminds us of a...
29718Charles Christian to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March 1812 (Jefferson Papers)
I beg leave to offer the enclosed for your patronage. Nothing is left after discharging the demands on M r Cheetham’s estate for his children. your name Sir woud be a host and a passport to the benevolence of the Republicans of this City, It would prevent the Sins of the father being visited on the children, for however, unfortunately, a concurrence of circumstances, and strong passions,...
29719To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Christian, 4 February 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Captain Christian has the honour to transmit to his Excellency the President of the U States, an essay of his on the Militia. Tho the application is local it embraces General principles on that subject, and he presumes will be read with approbation by his Excellency DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
29720To Thomas Jefferson from Christian VII, King of Denmark, 5 April 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Denmark, 5 Apr. 1805 . The king formally recalls Peder Blicher Olsen as resident minister and consul general to the United States. Tr ( DNA : RG 59, NL , Denmark); 2 p.; in a clerk’s hand, in Latin; at head of text: “Copia”; at foot of text: “Ad Presidem Statuum confœderatorum Americo Septentionalis” ( “to the president of the United States of America”); endorsed by Jacob Wagner; enclosed in...
29721To Thomas Jefferson from William Christian, 10 April 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
About the first of March Major Martin called on me, on his Way from General Green’s Camp to the Great Island, and delivered me a Commission signed by the General, a Copy of which I now enclose to your Excellency. Major Martin requested me to write to the Warriors upon the Subject, which I did, and we concluded that it would be well for Colonels Arthur Campbell, Col. Shelbey, Col. Severe, and...
29722To George Washington from Fairlie Christie, 25 March 1795 (Washington Papers)
I hope your Excellency will excuse a Stranger taking the Liberty of addressing a Letter to you, but although I have not the Honour of knowing you personally, I am no Stranger to the Character and many Virtues you possess; Mr Hylton who lately arrived here from America, having mentioned your Excellency’s Wish to have a Bread fruit plant, as also some others of the Plants we have lately had...
29723To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 8 October 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of yesterday is before me the duties on the wine which were sent on some time ago have been adjusted and paid. the duties on the liqueurs now sent amount to 4$ 20 Cts. the sum is so small I will Keep it in acct and as its probable you may have more of these articles arriving when the acct comes to any thing worth while I will send it on; I hope the liqueurs have got safe to...
29724To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 30 May 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
By the ship Catherine arrived this day from Guadelipe, I have receivd a Cask of Wine which originaly was shipted from Burdaux but the Vessell put in to that Port in distress I shall be able to assertain the duties payable ther on without giving you the trouble of forwarding any Invoice. it shall be sent by the first Packet going to Washington. I hope the last that was forwarded got safe to...
29725To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 24 February 1807 (Madison Papers)
I have this day shipped on Board of Captn Clements Packet the goods which arrived for you in the three friends, a Receipt for the same is herewith enclosed also the Duties and Crarges [Charges] theron; together with all the letters and papers relative to them that have come into my possesion with my best wishes for their safe arrival. I have the Honour to be with respect Your Obdt sert Messrs....
29726To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 11 June 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Inclosed is a bill of lading for a Cask of Wine, which arrived here some time ago from Guadaloupe, together with the Amount of Duties, and other expences, paid thereon, the vouchers, are also inclosed, I hope by the time you will receive this, it will have arrived at Washington, in good order, the amount of your debit as ⅌ acct. enclosed is $57. 49/100 . I have the Honor to be, Sir, y obed...
29727To George Washington from Gabriel Christie, 20 October 1796 (Washington Papers)
I am informed that you have some intention of disposing of part of your Negroes for a term of years I want to purchase about 10 or 12 boys from 13 to 15 years of age to put into a Nail Factory which I have lately established at this place should you be inclined to sell any of them I will if the price is sutable purchase that Number and will ingage that they shall learn a trade wherby they may...
29728To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 25 October 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
I received from the Comptroller a few days ago your Commission to act as Collector of this Port; permitt me Sir to tender you my thanks for this mark of your Confidence, be assured that my best endeavours shall be used to prevent your trust from being discredited, and I can also with truth inform you that the appointment, does meet a respectable approbation, and it will be my fault if that...
29729To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 30 September 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
The enclosed came to hand this day, the Liqueurs alluded to have been in the Custom since august last. but as no letter came with them I was not able to assertain to whom they belonged. or should have forwarded them long ago; by the first Vessell going to Washington or Alexandria. they shall be sent and the Bill of Loading enclosed I have the Honor to be respectfully Your Obdt Sert MHi :...
29730To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 14 April 1802 (Madison Papers)
I wrote you on the 20th of last mounth by way of New York. But least some axcident should happen to my letter I am enduced to send this by way of Alexandria. In my last I informd you that I wished to decline the appointment of Consul at Canton for my Son and would wish him appointed Consul at Madera. Mr Pintard has left that place and I am told the duties are performd by a Mr Charles Alder an...
29731To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 18 February 1807 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
§ From Gabriel Christie. 18 February 1807, Baltimore. “I have the pleasure to inform you of the safe arrival of the Schooner Three Friends at this port on Board of which is the Wines &ca which the President and your self have long expecting, they shall be forwarded to you by the first Vessell that leaves this either for washington or Alexandria, be pleased Sir to forward to me the Invoices &...
29732To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 14 October 1807 (Madison Papers)
Inclosed is a statement given to me by Capt. Brown of the Brig Fair American lately arrived from Halifax, where she had been sent for adjudication The Vessel & Cargo cleared after paying 2300 $ Costs. I believe the statement of Capt. Brown to be correct. I thought it my duty to forward it to your Office. I am &c. DNA : RG 45--Miscellaneous Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy.
29733To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 30 September 1802 (Madison Papers)
Letter not found. 30 September 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Christie, 1 Oct. 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as an inquiry about the appointment of Christie’s son to consular office. Brent replied that “your son has not been appointed to the place in question, and … that place is still vacant.” Brent also acknowledged the receipt “several days ago” of dispatches from Rufus King carried...
29734To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 21 March 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of yesterday was duly received together with the inclosures, as soon as the Box arrives I will forward it by the first vessell agreably to your directions, there is a Vessell up for Bordaux expeted to sail in all next week shall send it by his if it comes to hand in time I have the Honour to be with respect your obt Sevt MHi : Coolidge Collection.
29735To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 5 January 1802 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
5 January 1802, Annapolis. Requests postponement of his son’s appointment as consul for Madeira until after the son’s anticipated return from London in March. Wishes to withdraw application if an appointment is required before then. RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Christie had also asked JM to appoint his son Charles consul for Canton, but after hearing that John Marsden Pintard intended to resign as consul...
29736To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 28 May 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I yesterday shipped on Board of the Schooner Regulator bound to washington the 4 Cases of wine, in very good order we have charged the duties on the Gallon which as near as we could assertain will be found to be about 80 Gallons I forward you the bill of loading and also return agreabley to your request. The paper you sent me for the assertainment of the duties, I hope they may get to hand...
29737To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 5 December 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of the 3d inst. respecting the Wine came to hand upon inquiry of Mr. Purviance’s son I found one case lodged in his Vault directed for you which I presume from its’ size is the one that containd the 32 bottles the other that had but two bottles in it cannot be found I imagine that as one of the bottles was brokin the other case may have been packed up in the large case. I have...
29738To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 11 October 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
In my letter of yesterday which I hope you have recieved, I made application for the appointment of Collector of the Customs of this Port, since which I am informed that there will be a great many applications for that Office, and some are very industrious to procure recommendations for the purpose.—I beliave Sir I can say with truth that I have it in my power to obtain as many respectable...
29739To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 20 March 1802 (Madison Papers)
I arrived hear about the 7th inst. and deliverd the letters which you intrusted to my charge the day after my arrival, your letter of introduction to Mr King secured me a very polite reception, and I have had frequent conversations with him respecting the Political situation of our Country and this. He as well as the rest of our Public agents the Consul excepted speak highly of the disposition...
29740To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 24 February 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I have this day shipped on Board of Captn. Clements Packet the goods which arrived for you in the Three Friends together with a recipt for the same, also an account of the Duties and Charges thereon. you have also enclosed all the papers that has come into my possesion respecting them with my best wishes that you may not be disappointed in the receipt of them I remain with respect your obdt...
29741To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 9 June 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
My friends and relatives Mr & Mrs. Guest who have resided in England for some years past, are on their way to Vizit the City of Washington. permitt me Sir to recommend thim to your friendly attentions I have the Honor to be Sir Your Obdt Set MHi : Coolidge Collection.
29742To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 2 June 1807 (Madison Papers)
James Madison Esqr Private Accnt. 1807 To Gal. Christie Dr May 12 To Cash paid Freight of 7 Boxes from Newbern p Schr. Crispin 5.25 " 20 To Drayage do to Geo Town Packet 25 " " To Duties on Goods consigned to you P the Schr. Three Friends in feby last, from Marseilles P Statement furnished 25.76
29743To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 8 March 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of the 7th. was duly received enclosing a draft for 60$ 94/100 which has been applyd agreably to your directions receipts for which are herewith enclosed, I hope you will not fail to give me the execution of all your Baltimore Commissions they will always be undertaken with cheerfulness and executed with fidulity I have the Honour to be with respect Your Obdt. Servt MHi : Coolidge...
29744To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 13 April 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Inclosed is a letter from Mr Appelton which came to hand this day by the Ship Wm. Bingham. There is on Board this ship two cases of Cheese for you which I shall forward by the Schooner Ann an Alexandria Packet which will sail in all this week Mr Appelton has not forwarded to me any Invoice but presume it is enclosed in your letter it can be sent to me at your leasure for the assertainment of...
29745To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 18 May 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I have just recd a letter from mr Appelton inclosing a Bill of loading for 4 Cases of Wine on Board the Ship Jane from Leghorn. she has arrived and I will agreably to your request forward them to washington by the first alexandria Packet that leaves this place you will no doubt recieve from mr a, the invoice which when forwarded will enable me to ascertain the duties. I have the Honor to be...
29746To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 5 January 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
5 January 1803, Annapolis. Requests postponement of his son’s appointment as consul for Madeira until after the son’s anticipated return from London in March. Wishes to withdraw the application if an appointment is required before then. RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Misdated 1802 by Christie and printed under that date in PJM-SS Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of...
29747To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 16 February 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of the 13th inst came to hand this day since which I have seen Mr. Lewis Pauscalt the owner of the Schooner Three Friends who informed me that she was hourly expected to arrive here, He said that she was not out of time, as he was informed by a letter dated 5th octr last She would proceed to Barcellona and Malaga previous to her departure for this Port.— As Mr Pauscalt has no...
29748To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Christie, 10 October 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
The office of Collector of the Customs for the City of Baltimore, having become vacant by the death of Mr Purviance, permitt me Sir to solicit of you the favor of that appointment, the means I now possess of bringing up a large Family, being hardly adeqate to that purpose, the Appointment wd. make me comfortable. Altho. I have little doubt of receiving the Appointment of Govr. of the state by...
29749To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 30 May 1807 (Madison Papers)
There is arrived at this Port to day by the Ship Catherine from Bourdeaux Via Guadelupe one Cask of wine and ten Boxes for you. If you have any invoice, or other account of these art, be pleased to furnish it, so as to enable me to ascertain the duties payable thereon. I will forward them to you by the first Packet going to Alexandria or Washington A Bill of loading shall be inclosed by Post I...
29750To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 15 October 1802 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
15 October 1802, Havre de Grace. Has received JM’s 9 Oct. letter [not found]. Wishing to write soon to his son in England respecting the appointment, gives information to better enable the president to judge his son’s merits. His son, who is twenty-two, has served as an apprentice to a Philadelphia mercantile house, has sailed to China, and has been taken into partnership by a Madeira merchant...