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Results 29701-29750 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress I hope we shall at length...
29702General Orders, 5 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
A Court of Enquiry whereof Coll Wigglesworth is appointed President will sit tomorrow morning at...
I am glad to find by your letter of the 28th Ulto that your health is so far reestablished as to...
Since my last from this Place I have been under the necessity of making a journey to Newbern in...
Since Closing my letter to you of this day Mr Addison Lewis of my Regt has applyed to me on acct...
I this day recd yours of the 2d instant. The Arms arrived at Camp yesterday. If you will advert...
I had the honor of writing to Your Excellency under yesterdays date with a p.S. of this Morning...
I have Just received a Letter from Colonel Thomas Palmer one of the Commissioners appointed to...
As a general opinion prevails that the Enemy will quit Philadelphia, I take the Liberty of...
William Erskine Esqr. who is appointed Military Surveyor and Geographer is now here, endeavouring...
In your last of the 2d Inst., with which I w⟨as⟩ favoured, you advised me that the motions of the...
I had Intelligence yesterday afternoon from Newcastle, that upwards of one Hundred Sail of...
I have been favoured with your’s of this date and approve of your coming on. With respect to the...
I am now to acknowledge the receipt of two of your favours, during the session of Assembly, but...
29715[June 6. 1778] (Adams Papers)
We wrote the following Letter We had Yesterday the favour of your Letter of 31st. of May, from...
I often envy you the pleasure you enjoy in being at a place where you with pleasure look around...
Passy, 6 June 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
Passy, 6 June 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
I am not favord with any of your Commands since the 18th Ultimo. All the advertizements containd...
Marly, 6 June 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
L (draft with Franklin’s alterations): Library of Congress; copies: Massachusetts Historical...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, June 6, 1778:...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National Archives (two), Yale University...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, June 6, 1778: Since Captain Tucker left I have...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society Je suis informé, Messieurs,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives; AL : United States Naval...
29727General Orders, 6 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Chambers was President June 2nd 1778—Captn Stake of the...
I have been favoured with yours of the 11th Ultimo. The fourty men and fifty horse you mention in...
I have lately recd 1900 Stand of Arms from the Eastward, which will nearly, if not quite,...
On thursday I received the favor of your two Letters of the 3d Instant. The packet addressed to...
I this moment, recieved the inclosed from General Maxwell —in consequence of which, the Troops at...
Inclosed is a copy of the establishment of the Marechaussé, as passed in Congress the 20th Ulto...
I have been honored with your favor of the 20th Ultimo. Several Detachments are now on their...
the Millitia are free and leaves this tomorrow Morning except thirtten men from Bucks, and about...
Referring to my Letter of yesterday’s date forwarded by the hands of Messenger Davis I proceed to...
I am this day favd with yours of Yesterday. What Men are now upon their way to Easton may be sent...
The Duty of the Service keep me from present My Self to your Excellency my homage, I Send for...
297381778 June 7. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles in Company with Mr. Lee, Mr. Izzard and his Lady, Mr. Lloyd and his Lady and...
29739[June 7. 1778] (Adams Papers)
June 7. 1778. Went to Versailles in Company with Mr. Lee, Mr. Izard and his Lady, Mr. Lloyd and...
Your Billit was deliverd to me a Day or two ago. I am much obliged to you for your kind offer but...
we being so far from one another that I cannot Leave my pen out of my hand & I hope that my...
We are yet in A State of Uncertainty whether you are Arrived in France or England, and...
ALS : Library of Congress The Bearer of this M. Roulhac being about to establish a House of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: National Archives <Granville in Normandy, June 7,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme j’ai l’honneur d’etre en correspondence avec Mgr. le...
29746General Orders, 7 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Court-Martial whereof Coll Chambers is President is dissolved, and another ordered to sit...
I have been duly honoured with your Favors of the 4 & 5 Inst., and with the Resolutions and...
This is the ninth Day since I have been in York—regularly attending each day upon the Board of...
The Horse you required are forwarded, the troops ariv’d here last Night, and I hoped to have had...
Your favor of the 8th past came duly to hand & the Letter inclosed in it for your Son safely...