James Madison Papers

To James Madison from the Indian Inhabitants of New Stockbridge, New York, 25 October 1809 (Abstract)

§ From the Indian Inhabitants of
New Stockbridge, New York

25 October 1809. The inhabitants, who are “part of the Moheconnuk Tribe of Indians,” express gratitude for the $350 annual grant but ask that instead of receiving only cash a part of the annuity be paid “in certain articles of Clothing and Impliments of Husbandry.” Lists hoes, plows, “Cotton-Shirting,” blankets, and other goods, which are sought for distribution “under the Inspection & direction of Mr. Parish the Superintendant of Indian affairs in this Department.”

RC and enclosures (DNA: RG 107, LRUS, M-1809). RC 1 p. Addressed to the president and signed by David Zuns and three others. Cover addressed to secretary of war. Docketed by a War Department clerk as received 29 Dec. 1809. Enclosures are a power of attorney to William Holmes and Cornelius Konkapot (1 p.) and a list of sixty-seven inhabitants of the village (1 p.).

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