From George Washington to Benjamin Fendall, 6 March 1798
To Benjamin Fendall
Mount Vernon 6th Mar. 1798
Mrs Washington has been long in expectation of receiving what you took away unfinished, and was to have completed and sent to her; and prays that it may be done with out further delay, as she is in want of them; & must apply elsewhere if not done.1 I am Sir Your Obedt Hble Ser.
Go: Washington
ALS (letterpress copy), DLC:GW.
1. The dentist Benjamin Fendall of Cedar Hill in Charles County, Md., was at Mount Vernon from 2 to 7 Dec. 1797 ( , 6:271, 272). He sent Mrs. Washington a set of teeth in August 1799 (Fendall to GW, 10 Aug. 1799). GW had paid Fendall $60 on 7 Dec. 1797 (Day Book).