James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Lewis Lowrey, 28 October 1809 (Abstract)

§ From Lewis Lowrey

28 October 1809, Halifax Court House, Virginia. Encloses certificates received for Revolutionary War service and asks JM to see that they are exchanged for a land office warrant. Requests this favor “as I am so Crazy & infirm that I am not able to wait on you myself.”

RC (DNA: RG 107, LRUS, L-1809). 1 p. Enclosures not found. Docketed by a clerk, “Ackgd. 4h. Novr. 1809.” JM referred the request to the secretary of war, who sought from Lowrey evidence of his enlistment and his service until the end of the Revolutionary War (Eustis to Lowrey, 6 Nov. 1809 [DNA: RG 107, LSMA]).

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