John Jay Papers

From John Jay to David Longworth, 28 October 1809

To David Longworth

Bedford 28 Octr. 1809


My Son has sent me your Letter of the 16th. Ult.1 informing me that “you had been directed by Doctr. Ramsay, to present me, in his name, the Copy of his S. Carolina therewith sent.”—

As yet my Son has not sent me the Books; for want I presume of a proper opportunity. It not being certain how soon such an opportunity may offer, I think I ought not to delay answering your Letter any longer.—

Permit me to request the favor of you Sir! to present my acknowledgments to Doctr. Ramsay, for this obliging mark of his friendly attention. From the Subject of the work, and the Talents of the author, I am persuaded it will be a valuable addition to my Library— I am Sir your obedt. Servt.

John Jay

P.S. I have opened this Letter to mention that the books are just arrived Mr. David Longworth—

ALS, MeHi (EJ: 02702).

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