Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Greenhow, 7 November 1809

To Samuel Greenhow

Monticello Nov. 7. 09.


Your favor of Oct. 25. was recieved the day before yesterday. I had always intended to get my mills ensured against fire, but was deterred by information that the mutual insurance co. was in a state of bankruptcy. mr Dawson being here, proposed to have the mills valued, & to keep up the report until I should decide, & promised in the mean time to procure information for me. this you were so kind as to send me, and I have entire confidence in the candor of your statement. but in your letter you express apprehension that the institution will be attacked at the next session of the legislature, & not without danger of suppression. under these circumstances I have thought it best to wait & see the result. I will therefore ask the favor of you to keep up the report1 till further instructions from me. I salute you with esteem and respect.

Th: Jefferson

RC (PHC); addressed: “Mr Samuel Greenhow Richmond”; franked; postmarked: “Milton Va 17th Nov”; endorsed by Greenhow as received 20 Nov. 1809 and answered a day later. PoC (DLC); endorsed by TJ.

1In RC Greenhow keyed to this word with an asterisk his notation at foot of text that “‘Report’ means Declaration.”

Index Entries

  • Dawson, William; and Mutual Assurance Society search
  • Greenhow, Samuel; and Mutual Assurance Society search
  • Greenhow, Samuel; letters to search
  • Mutual Assurance Society; and TJ’s insurance search
  • Shadwell mills; TJ’s insurance for search