Report on Imports for the Year Ending September 30, 1790, 23 November 1791
Report on Imports for the Year Ending September 30, 1790
Treasury Department
Nov. 23. 1791.
[Communicated on November 24, 1791]1
I have the honor to transmit to the Senate, in further obedience to their order,2 an estimate exhibiting the value, at the several places of shipment, of all foreign goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, during the year ending on the 30th. day of September 1790.3 The principal objects of this document are to exhibit the portion of our consumption which is supplied by each foreign nation, and the aggregate value of the whole of our importations.
I have the honor to be with the greatest respect, Sir, Your most obedt. & most humble servt.
Alexander Hamilton
The Vice President of the United States
and President of the Senate.
LS, RG 46, Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury, National Archives.
1. , III, 31.
2. Although the entry in the states that the Senate order was dated February 16, 1791, the only order recorded for that date is a request for a report on exports rather than imports. See , II, 1801.
3. This “estimate,” which is not printed in , Commerce and Navigation, has not been found.