Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Marsh: NY subscription list to aid TJ financially, 1 May 1826, 1 May 1826

The Subscribers, being desirous of aiding Thomas Jefferson, the Author of the Declaration of American Independence, and late President of the United States, from pecuniary difficulties, attributable in a great degree to his devotion to the public service, do contribute the sums set opposite their respective names, towards that object. Which sums are to be placed at the disposal of the General Committee appointed, for his relief, at the meeting of the citizens of New-York, held at the City Hotel, on the 1st May, 1826.

James Marsh $ 1   Elihu Blake 1.
Wm Reid 10   Thos W Intley 2 
Edward Cook $1   Samuel Weeks 1 
James Herring 1   Josh Davies 1 
Richard Grenoch 1   Charles Wayland 1 
E Townsend & Co 2   John Bass 3 
J L S Brown $2   Alexander Watson 1 
C Bruff 1   John Tiller 1 
Amaziah N. Wood 1   Cash 1 
Joseph Hill 1   John Grey 3 
G B. Aloost 1   David J. Burger 1 
Cash 1   Cash 1 
W. C. Dusenberg 1   Leonard Bond 1.
Lewis Doty 1   A Ackland 1 
Gilbert Bates 1   Cash & Co 1 
Thms Patterson 1     $50.
Leander Merd 1    
J V Coon & W Smith 2    

ViU: Jefferson-Randolph-Trist Family Papers.

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